Thu 8 May, 2003 03:43 pm
Now you can view the internet the way Craven views it:
Being Craven de Kere
Tell us what you see.
You must be really bored!
What a tangled web we weave...
You bastid! When you gonna fix the 'New Posts' so that I can tool around the site without re-freshing the end-time?! Henh?
Actually the Craven browser was very quick, another site made the tool and I just built a framed browser thingy with it.
Seal, to fix that I'd need AOL to stop rotating IPs or degrade IP security for the whole membership (there are session security factors that prevent hijecking of a usr session and account). The new posts search is bassed on sessions and rotating IPs sometimes kill your session.
But even if i were to lower the IP security then there would be the issue of ISP connections. If your connection with the server is lost (this can be due to A2K's server or your ISP) your session is lost.
So to fix that I'd have to make that list stored in a database (right now it works like this date/time of post versus last date/time of a member's session) so that the lest will continue to reside on the server if you lose a connection.
That would be fairly simple but then each time you view a topic it would have to log the visit to be able to later perform the queries that would determine what was not yet read or a new post.
To do all that is not hard but to do it without killing the database is. The amount of queries on the database would increase quite a bit and then a growth spurt in the forum could take down the site.
You may have noticed that the 24 hour search no longer works, as the site passed 1000-1400 posts on some days that code ceased to function andtimes out the database server.
As this site grows it is going to be harder and harder to make it easy for the members to follow all topics. I'm working on it but there is a new forum version coming out and I want to work off that kernel and not patch now and start again with a new phpbb kernel.
Sorry for the verbose explanation bt I get that question a lot and now I have answered it at least once (so I can feel justified being to lazy to answer it later). :-)
which s/w you getting?
Dumping aol in the very near future, but still... why make it close- ended?
I dunno... just get frustrated with having that nice, neat, tidy summary of all the a2k things that have been happening while I've been letting real life intrude... working my way thorugh the list, thne having the list dissapear through having been regenerated (rather than going Back to it...)
And where else on the net do I really, really get a chance to whine at the head honcho? Steve Case doesn't answer.
yer an appleman????????????
Gen's emoticons are far more interesting than Craven's view of the web methinks
husker, I use a heavily modified phpbb. I am active in the phpbb development community.
Despite AOL's crappy way of providing internet service I still design with them in mind.
Craven de Kere wrote:seal,
Despite AOL's crappy way of providing internet service I still design with them in mind.
Too many potential customers not too...
No, don't do the apple thing. Been a PC guy since DOS 3. Been with Intel since my TRS-80.