And I am fond of both of you, Sahki and Boomer. Wildly different women and I see no use in making some chart on what you two might agree on.
Just a bit of applause that we're all talking.
Noddy nailed me once when I was whining about being sick and having to care for the tiny tots. I can't remember exactly what she said, but it was a 'snap out of it' type of thing.
ossobuco wrote:And I am fond of both of you, Sahki and Boomer.
ossobuco wrote:
Wildly different women and I see no use in making some chart on what you two might agree on.
...but I do enjoy reading her posts
I really like alla you guys - I know I play pretty hard sometimes, and I can be real mean to a post, but thats not at all the same as being mean to the member responsible for the post. And ya get right down to it, at my worst I'm damned near all warm and cuddly compared to ohhhh .... say, CdK on an average day :wink:
CdK, don't get me started. What a thwart. First of all he is multiply brighter than I am and argues impeccably. Still, I insist on liking him, to no prevailing use and who cares. And I wouldn't, except that I remember him as the keen arguer.
We don't see much of Craven these days.
Oi, shouldn't you be at work?
Interesting reposnses...this is great....wasn't what I was thinking about at first, but that what's so nice about A2k....the topic leads off to other more important stuff.
I've had the situation happen, don't know with whom, that a few comments (posts) are made, very friendly like, and then all of a sudden BAM, all of a sudden this hateful stuff gushes forth....That's not quite kosher, IMO.
What I learn from that is mistrust of that person.
Some others just immediatly jump in and needlessly stirred the pot....pushing buttons, probing that hurting tooth with no other goal but to start a problem...
I've learned they are just to be ignored, they're never happy.
Then, there those that you can really get into it, but always knowing you'll be able to look at each other in the morning.
I have been fairly fortunate in as much as the attacks on me have been very limited. When an attack is performed (and to me the majority of them are cheap wannabe ac-tors) I will often give a response, occasionally I even extend it a few; however I cannot and will not waste my time with dimwits who have nothing better to do than make snide remarks and attack me or others. There are exceptions which I make when I know the person does have some valuable comments every so often...I await their slip-up in a thread where they say something real and intelligent.
Persons such as Setanta (who is also strangely intelligent at times) can irritate or infuriate me; but, in the final picture it is my choice as to whether or not I wish to choose to be his whipping post. (This also holds true to others who have made attacks on me) I cease posting in that thread, although I do check back to see follow up comments, which have included remarks of how I was cowardly and ran away. No, I was not cowardly I was just dignified enough not to get dragged further into the mud wrestling.
I run into a fair amount of hellish reproach due to my conservative political beliefs and standings. Absurd comments have included the multi-attack (which included a few P.M.s) on how my being gay (as in a homosexual) required me to side with Democrats and their policies. Sorry to disappoint; but, I have my own beliefs and if I disagree with someone or something I will state it no matter what my sexual orientation, economic standing, educational background, etc. etc.
Again, if there's an attack I find it better to walk away. If everyone does that when a particular poster becomes excessively vile and/or vicious then the thread will drop off the pages and the attacker will be left playing all alone by their little old self...and that is a truly satisfying thought.
AWWW Roger, come here and give me a hug! (((ROGER)))
You know Roger, I didn't get upset with YOU...persay, it was the fact that I would piss people off with my post. Its hard to explain, you and I have talked before about the religion threads, and why I stay out of them....well, my feelings were, if they don't like deer hunting or pics of dead animals, stay out of my post then.
But you have some posters in here, that go looking for a fight, granted I haven't come across to many of them...aimed at ME...but I've seen them.
What really kills me, is those that want to critique you on your spelling, word pronunciation, grammar, or what you posted in your profile...GEEESH!
Now...I want to say this: I'm a 35 year old, very opinionated, hard headed and stubborn proud woman, working on a higher education(Criminal Justice Degree, which isn't exactly easy!) and a fond mother of two boys.
I was born in the SOUTH, and I am proud of my heritage, and of the roots that I have put down, and how I was raised, with the exception of a few childhood
I was brought up that hunting is providing, and if it wasn't for wild game, those childhood years, we'd probably starved.
I am not a hillbilly for my love of the outdoors...I worship it, I see the beauty in sunsets, sunrises, fog rolling in over the mountains as I sit on my stand....and half the time, I'm taking pics.
I enjoy sitting at camp roasting hot dogs late into the night, listening to the dogs run...with my family, all of us. Husband, kids, nieces, nephews...bro/sis n laws....friends and their family....My Question is this,"How many families do you know that do that much together?" They are usually sitting their children in front of a TV. We have ours OUTDOORS....
I've been in the woods since I was 5 years old, and there aren't alot of women that can get themselves around in the woods, or know them like I do. I owe that to my father, and my husband. And I have raised my boys literally in the woods since birth.
Now if that makes me a bad person, then so be it. I would rather be judged because I'd take an animals life....rather than be judged for taking a human life. And we have those hypocrites that see the harm in venison, but no harm in blowing a humans head off. Go figure huh?
Good post mms.
So, where's the whuppin' boy?
I tend to stay out of the religion / politics area.
Every now and then I will pop in with something completely off the wall, or blatently simple. But for the most part, because I dont tolerate insults well.. I stay the f-k out.
That doesnt mean I dont read them like a small festering plague..
I have my favorite posters, and my jokes that I follow around getting laughs at thier expence..
but I dont make it known.
I have, a few times , forgotten my own rule and wandered in to a thread where I was 'semi' attacked.
Not much, because I dont really give people a chance to.
I keep my statements, silly, and a bit off key so as to not give the 'shooter' a direct target. AND- it makes for an easy get away.
I also have a bit of a hard time with words over the last year and a half. But, that started after my stroke, and more then likely wont go away.. so there is a bit of ' not being ABLE to ' argue that I can also use in my favor.
I was almost pegged to the wall by a few a2k passer's by.
The ones who post a few hundred times and are never seen again..
Usually, I worm my way out with a sexual referrance, or a down right dumb ass joke and be done with it.
Other times, i ignore and walk away.
**** happens though. That is why I make good use of that little X in the top right hand corner. ;-)
I can be a prick and a smartass... please let me know if I cross the line and hurt someone's feelings.
That said, I don't usually make it personal unless someone's trying to pick on me (or being a prick to me....).
I'm sorry to all those I've wronged.
Quite a while ago, when I was more thin-skinned - & I don't remember which thread, the context or why - BPB/BVT said something to me like:
"Why are you always so nice? Where do you think it'll get you?"
He won't remember.
But I did.
Sturgis wrote:
Again, if there's an attack I find it better to walk away. If everyone does that when a particular poster becomes excessively vile and/or vicious then the thread will drop off the pages and the attacker will be left playing all alone by their little old self...and that is a truly satisfying thought.
I'm with Sturgis on this one.
Re: Close Encounters of the Set Kind...
I'd throw my two cents into the pond, but I guess my introduction didn't go unnoticed by some here, so we already know.
Chai Tea wrote:tin sword hung in, good man, but it started me wondering....
Thanks, Chai Tea!
Normally, I would have stayed out of a conversation like that, but as this is an open forum and I had an opinion, I just thought I'd take a second and drop it in. I didn't think he was too hard on me - he was just expressing his opinion of mine. Maybe I was wrong to jump in, maybe I wasn't, but it was what it was and I'm no worse for the wear because of it.
Welcome, tin_star...
I think you'll do just fine, here.
There are plenty of times I draw others' ire, and sometimes I deserve it. I recognize that politics and religion in particular, but also original writing threads, for instance, can evoke powerful emotions. Therefore I don't carry lasting grudges. The a2k experience that needles me the most concerns the times I post on innocuous threads, make a jest or something, and get skewered for it. That too shall pass, and I shrug it off. Anyone here who has had out of sorts words with me, here is my statement: All is forgiven and forgotten (of course, if we disagree, we shall continue to disagree).
With my measly 270 posts, I cannot really participate in this discussion.