Wed 26 Apr, 2006 12:42 am
I felt bad about crashing the Thread about Ashermans wife. It was so strange that Ash was facing some of the same issues I was. My apologies for that.
This is to thank you all for your kind prayers and wishes. I truly appreciate all the kindness you have shown.
JayBea passed away at 3:30 PM on this day, April 25. I can't say any more now.
For those that have been helping me through this, my sincerest heartfelt appreciation!
Love to you and JayBea, Byron, as you have gone through this. And love to you Byron as you walk alone. Feel free to come on here and smash some concrete blocks...
I am so sorry.
So many thoughts are with you.
So sorry to learn of this - be strong, old freind. My thoughts are with you.
Such sad news Anon.
I'm very sorry for your loss. I wish I could do more.
what to say
my thoughts are with you
I'm really sorry for that. I know you are strong, but just have to be even stronger now. Best wishes.
I am so sorry, Anon. I don't know what more to say. Such a huge loss is almost incomprehensible. I feel terribly sad for you tonight.
Dear Anon. I feel with you, my friend. This will be a difficult time for you, but if any of us here can make this time of sadness easier, perhaps, in some small way, it will help.
Anon- You are in my thoughts. May the memories of the wonderful life that you had with JayBea sustain you through these trying times.
You have our sincerest condolences. I was hoping that our wives would have experienced parallel improvement. Though Natalie isn't out of the woods yet it appears she will make it. There is no rythme, nor reason that one should live and the other die at a particular moment. We sometimes deceive ourselves into feeling that Death can not cross our own threshold, and then the doorbell rings.
From a Buddhist prospective, Life and Death, Time and Space are all illusory. A long dream that appears to to contain all the elements of the perceptive world. Instead of the Oneness of Ultimate Reality, there is multiplicity. From that multiplicity we discern opposites and place values on our dream thoughts, words and works. We experience apartness in Life that does not exist in Reality, and loneliness. We suffer from desire and the loss of things we want to hold on to. We seek continually to find solace and comfort in others. It is our way of dreaming that ties us to long-term relationships, and we cling to them desperately to avoid the suffering our lives. Death comes. We are parted, sometimes after only a moment and in others after a life time. Now the loneliness returns and we seek consolation and there is so little of it.
In Death there appears to be no justice, no glory or transcendence to a Paradise of delights, though many yearn for that consolation. In truth Death just is. Death is a brief morning awakening long before the sun has risen. Death is our opportunity to return to Oneness, perhaps an end to suffering as it is to time itself. The sum of a person's life is done up in a how they dealt with suffering. From a prospective of health, itself an illusion, suffering has little to recommend it. However, it is a dream trial that tests our character. Compassion and kindness really do count. Endurance, forbearance and fortitude are the foundations on which we can, if we choose, build a life dedicated to the mitigation and alleviation of suffering in others. As those other "parts" of ourselves are rescued from their suffering, so are we relieved of part of our own burden.
When I was growing up there was great family disagreement whether the Christian God meant for me to be a Preacher, or a Lawyer. I think I've turned out to be a bit of both, or perhaps they aren't really any different in the end anyway if they are done properly.
Anon, take some time. Grieving is a natural process and, as you may know, it seems to proceed in recognizable stages for most of us. Life each moment fully, and as if it were your last. Appreciate the beauties and fine things that also inhabit this dream we share of multiplicity.
You have all my sympathies, Anon. Sorry for your loss...
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You have my deepest sympathy.
Sorry for this bad new, Anon, my sincerest condolences!
I am terribly sorry for your loss anon.
Dear Anon,
It must seem as if your entire world has turned upside down. It will feel like that for awhile, then slowly it will get better. Be gentle with yourself for awhile, okay?
I hope you are getting some sleep as I'm typing this.
As much as you will miss JayBea's physical presence...and I know that is a loss too great even for words...I truly believe that people are not gone as long as they live on in our hearts. I expect you will continue to hear her voice and feel her nearness for some time. Cherish that.
We are here when you want to talk.
Fondly, Eva
A terrible loss... expressing sympathy and sorrow for a loss like this always seems so empty.... but it is heartfelt... time dulls the pain of your loss but can only sweeten the good memories... about the only trick time plays on us that isn't cruel... hang in there friend....
JayBea and Byron Thank You All !!
My condolences - my thoughts are with you.