Mon 17 Apr, 2006 03:58 pm
I'm wondering if maybe someone can help me. I've spent hours online doing searches and I'm just beginning to get more and more frustrated. There was a book that I read to my sister when I was about 11 years old. (circa 1993) I remember it being a fairly long book, and what I seem to remember most clearly was that there was a fox or a woman who could turn into a fox. I think her name was Madame Adelaide...but I was only 11 and my memories (pronunciation) could be incorrect. It seems like she was a nanny of some sort with magical powers. ah, it was a *splendid* book, and I would love to find it so that I can read it to my own children. Any help or information would be muchly appreciated.
no, it's not...I read some of the text during one of my previous searches and that's not it at all.
thankyou though!
I don't think so ..I see no Nanny in that.
However, there IS a film coming out soon about a weird Nanny, and I am wondering if that might be based on the book you remember, jparker82.
We ar enot a lot further forward right now, though, because I cannot remember the name of the film!
Hmmm...I will check papers when I go out today because it is school holiday time, and it might be playing now....
Oh wait!
The film is Nanny McPheee...but it is BASED on the "Nurse Matilda" books by Christiana Brand. mention of foxes, but there IS an Aunt Adelaide.
Sorry, only suggestion I can make!
I thought perhaps you were right, but no, that's not it either. There was definitly a nanny who could turn into a fox and her name was something like Adelaide...there was a bedchamber with a door leading to somewhere also. I want to say the title was something like "The lady, The Fox & The Broomstick" but everytime I've searched, I've found nothing. Oh, it's driving me batty!
Dunno about no foxes, but there IS a book called "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"......
Have you seen this one?
It's called "Nanny Fox" - I also saw a title called "Nanny Fox and the Christmas Surprise."
ok, that made me laugh out loud...thanks for the smile! I've never read "Bedknobs & Broomsticks" I've wanted to for quite some time though, just never got around to it. Perhaps I should. Thanks so much for all your help!
No, sadly, it's not "Nanny Fox". At this moment I'm scouring google (yet again.) If I ever find the blasted book I'll be so happy. I know I shouldn't get so bent out of shape about it, but I'm really curious to know what it was exactly that I read. We shall see. Hopefully. Eventually.
I have an idea!
Find a large specialist children's bookshop, and contact them with what you remember of the book.
I wouldn't mind betting that may be your best chance.
Is it a children's picture book or just a paperback-type-book? (Like Harry Potter or whatever...)
Yeah, I don't doubt it. I don't know why I didn't think to do that before!
thanks beaucoups!
It was a hardcover book. I think I remember little black and white pictures at the beginning of each chapter.
What about 'Lady into Fox' by David Garnett? It isn't a children's book, but I know I read it at a very tender age.
I already suggested that TK but it's not what ms parker was after. I hope she tells us all what it was when she tracks it down...
I know there is a book called "fox eyes" or maybe more than one with the same title. but i don't know what it's about.
Roald dahl had a fox book.