5-ish to tell us that the lightbulbs in Europe are highly varied and shed their light evenly, whereas the bulbs in America only cast light from the right side of the bulb.
Another 5 to dismissively state that since this is an American board all the rest of us should just stop whining about how we've got different lightbulbs and their take on lightbulbs doesnt quite work for us.
another 3 to post in defence of the american light bulb and its horrid amount of ridicilous, wastefull energy consumption
One to stand and recite haiku about light,
a second to discuss the nature of color as it relates to light,
a third to talk about wiring and wirelessness,
a fourth to talk about kitchen lighting as discussed in the LA Times this last week,
a fifth to start a topic on ladders,
a sixth to riff on filming porn under different kinds of lighting conditions,
a seventh to talk about marketing and legal issues,
an eighth to talk about google searches for tract lighting,
a ninth to hold the ladder for the
tenth who found a light bulb in the bottom drawer and
handed it to the eleventh who was sober enough to climb the ladder.
a twelvth to watch and make critical comments and
a thirteenth to watch and say LOL.
One moderator to pull lightbulb-selling spam.
Two posters to complain that their links to their lightblub blogs have been pulled.
Three posters to reply that they could have read in the ToS that all references to light bulb blogs are banned.
Four posters to agitate that if one can't even link to a light bulb blog in a light bulb thread, what kind of forum is this?!
Five posters to try to make the peace by pointing out how much work the hamsters do running after failing light bulbs, reporting light bulb scams, indexing light bulb resources for the portal, etc.
Six posters to post links to possible alternative forums that also deal with light bulbs.
And seven hamsters to replace all those links with [AUTO SPAM FILTER]'s.
(god I spend too much time on here..)
and 1 poster to complain about the time they spend
3,408 to observe the lightbulb changing without posting any comment about it.
One that gossips about the private life of the guy that bought the bulbs.
One that checks if the itinerary to the bulbs shop makes sense.
One that asks if the guy that bought the bulbs stopped by the woods to find morels.
One that finds that the bulbs seller job suck..
37 to post requests for help solving an answerless riddle involving light bulbs and polar bears.
1 person to quote something from early on in the thread without reading anything else.
LionTamerX wrote:From what I hear, the light bulbs were much better at Abuzz.