No Bunny, there were no losers. Just......I feel all better and will be changing back into my legs soon (as soon as I have the time.) btw, I'm selling my house and salon. Moving to a small apartment on Prince St. and Wassau will be re-opening the cafe. The atmoshere there is much more relaxed and I won't have all that stuff to deal with. I am de-stuffing myself (except for my clothes, not need to go overboard.) Besides that, I'm keeping are my books and work, a desk and a bed........ Oh, but also, it's a loft so I'm going to also have a swing. For fun. It's a good thing your tush is padded, wouldn't want you to get hurt. anyway, I understand that you're no ordinary bunny (of Holy Grail fame.) Wouldn't want to tussle with ya, we might both end up dead.