Yeah all that is fine - but imagine a "Mr Happy" equivalent as a worm !! (50 metres or not)
Without the worm, the world would be as vast and sterile a promontory as Hamlet imagines in (only without those damn vapors -- "I have the vapors!" -- "Shut up, Blanche!")
I respect the earthworm! I was overjoyed that, by the time I sold my house, my garden was turned into a worm's paradise - every time you touched the soil, anywhere in the garden, there they were!
Li'l darlin's.....
"And worms shall try that long preserved virginity..."
hmm - seems all minds turn to poetry at mention of the worm...
seems that all poetry minds the turn of the worm
Hmmmmmmm - all that languish in the slow-chapt power of time fear the worm...
"oooooooooh, don't fear the reaper..."
Hmm...last I heard, worms were hermaphrodites, so "Go f--- yourself" is considered a blessing, not a curse in their society.
They are, but, like snails, many of them require a partner anyway. (Depends on what kind of worms you're talking about, if I remember right. Flatworms -- platyhelminthes -- carry both testes and ovaries internally and I think can fertilize themselves. Earthworms -- annelids -- have all the bits, but have to get it on with a partner, especially as they have no hands.)
like, duh.
the worm squirmed and turned the germ to sp --
oh, that wouldn't even make sense. i'll take myself back to the penis discussion. (kinda early in the day for you to be on, isn't it, deb?)
Oh lordy!
These damned penises and such are spreading to every thread!
Let's hear it for the penises!
To quote the Simpsons: "You can't win friends with salad..."
Especially not a SALAD! Now be it a nice steak or meatloaf, and I am won! Potatoes, never forget potatoes.
The vagina contingent demands a platform!
So, they got one. The penii are hogging all the attention. (As usual, dammit.)
How can a discussion turn from bunnies to worms to penii ????
We can't be so weak !! Back to fighting the bunny...
Now DAMMIT !!!
(Is it my gun in there or I am just happy to be here ??)
Hmmmm - the fighting Bunny sows confusion and digression amongst the ranks of the enemy.
A "Get The Smegging Wabbit" Digression: or Bunny F
Sows but does not reap.