Wed 5 Apr, 2006 09:49 pm
Hey all, pretty new here, but what a cool site!
Anyway, I have been an attorney for a little over 10 years and also have become interested in Ipods and podcasting. Since I got my new Ipod for Christmas, I have been downloading podcasts from Itunes and Yahoo for free. Anyone else listening to these? They're free and some are very interesting and useful.
Anyway, decided maybe it would be fun to produce my own podcast. Does anyone have any topics of legal questions that they would be interested in downloading a podcast about? You don't have to have a Ipod to listen to a podcast, but you would need to download some free software off the net.
Some topics I was considering: break down and analyze the latest supreme court cases, maybe some lawyer jokes, basic legal concepts explained (e.g. surety bond vs. cash bond in criminal cases, drunk driving, how to avoid one, etc.). I also did very well in law school, near perfect GPA, thought I might do a law school section to help law students. Still trying to nail down a format for the premier broadcast. Anyone have anything law-related that you'd want to learn more about?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
Hi, LE. I'm a lawyer for 12 years now. Welcome to A2K.
I don't have an Ipod, and am not familiar with podcasts, so I can't really address your topic, though it sounds interesting. I just wanted to say "hi" and welcome you to the board.
Hi legal eagles
i think a podcast would be a great idea! i especially like the idea of the law student bit and the law jokes.
i think podcasts are great - i listen to them regularly. recently emigrated from UK to australia and use podcasts to keep intouch with my fav radio station back home - getting all the news and gossp!
i say go for it!
Hi and welcome to A2K. I also know shiznit about podcasts and the like. Graduated Law School in '86, haven't practiced since '90 ('twas not for me). I do IT stuff now.
Hey LegalEagle,
I like the idea. It might be difficult to do since people wouldn't be able to call in and ask questions, but perhaps you could have people email you questions and them address them with the podcast.
i would be interested in SC decision topics, too.
ps. welcome to A2K.
Sounds cool, I'm getting more and more into podcasts, I listen to them on my favorite shows and some industry stuff as I walk to work... I think the more genearl you can keep your Q&A the more people will want to listen - or go in the other direction and make it a very industry focused "insiders" podcast. Good luck!