Tue 4 Apr, 2006 12:17 pm
Cooking up a flat-screen TV scam
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A rash of oven-door thefts may be linked to a recent case in which a woman bought what she thought was a flat-screen television, only to discover that the package held an old oven door, police said.
South Bend detective Sgt. Jim Walsh said police arrested a suspect Thursday they believe sold the appliance door to the woman. According to police reports, officers found an oven door and packaging materials inside the trunk of the man's car.
Oven doors are an increasingly hot item in burglaries targeting vacant properties. Walsh said police have investigated five recent burglaries where oven doors were among the items stolen.
Police have had two reports of the doors being sold as flat-screen televisions, and it's likely that others went unreported by the embarrassed dupes, Walsh said. Officers continue to investigate at least two other suspects who may be disguising oven doors and selling them.
Walsh said it's risky to buy products off the street, particularly without opening a package first to make sure the items are what they appear to be.
In the case of the bilked woman, she was approached by the suspect Feb. 20 at her workplace with an offer of a flat-screen television at a bargain price of $500. When the victim couldn't come up with the money, the suspect settled for $300.
But when she unwrapped the packaging, peeling away the bubble wrapping and the Wal-Mart store labels, she found a cord, a controller -- and an oven door.
"It's an elaborate job of packaging," Walsh said.
I bought one of those, I hung on the wall of the guest bedroom. I only paid $250 for it.
Boomer, you laughing at me?
too bad it only gets the food network eh
I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH you, dys!
I would love to hear the people reporting this crime: "Really I just thought I was buying some regular ole' stolen property, officer."
They got what they deserved, in my opinion.
This really reminds me of a house my family lived in circa: 1966 or so. It had a "built in TV" that actually kind of looked like an oven door but actually served less purpose as it never worked not even for one day while we lived there.
Still, it looked totally swank.
I just went and looked at mine hanging on the guest bedroom wall, what I thought was the station changing button says "bake" and "broil." I think I've bean had.
i'm guessing you've "bean" something
perhaps full of, as my dear old grandpappy would say
dj, I don't believe you ever had a grandpappy. I'm calling you out on this one dj.
you're right, i'm canadian,where would i have got a grandpappy, would you believe grandpere
Many moons ago, when I was installing computer networks, we had to destroy the boxes any computer equipment came in after an installation. We learned early on that crooks would hang out by the dumpsters and steal empty boxes in order to fill them up with bricks, "factory seal" them and sell them on street corners. Personally, I never felt sorry for their victims because if some guy calls you over and offers you a Compaq 386 for $100 and you agree to buy it -you are either knowingly buying stolen goods or are so greedy your brain has malfunctioned. No one seemed to bother opening boxes back then, I guess the patsies have gotten smarter (evolution?) so the criminals had to up their game.