I have some obvious objections:
Quote:"women's bodies are made to attract and to please men"
This is implying that that's the sole function of a female body, which is false. If you were to go by that argument, then you could also say that men's bodies are made to attract and please women as well.
Quote:"now that women are equal, they should be able to accept being told that they aren't, quite"
He's confusing equality in terms of rights or value, to equality in terms of abilities. Noone is equal in terms of abilities, but the creed of equality is that we are all equal in value and thus have equal rights.
Quote:"women are the weaker sex,"
If he meant that women have less potential in building up physical strength, then he would be correct, but to say that someone is "weaker" is as vague and pushing it as anyone can get. Weaker in what? Weaker to what extent? Always weaker? It also has negative connotations to it. He should have just said, biologically women tend to have less potential physical strength than men.
Quote:the manliness of the women's movement.
That means that what he's calling manliness is not as "manly" as he would like to think. It's present in both gender populations.
Maybe I shouldn't trust everything that the review is saying, but I'm not liking what I've read.
You want to know what makes a person a male? Having an XY chromosome.