Sat 25 Mar, 2006 10:21 am
Recently in a couple of very different situations, I have seen one poster refer to the post of anther as "the worst advice ever".
I earned this comment by suggesting that people cut up their credit cards. I just read another person who was given this distinction for suggesting someone eschew sex counseling.
So it got me to wondering-- what is the worst advice ever given on the Internet. You can nominate your ideas for top honors here.
Personally, I think the worst afvice ever to appear on the internet was - and is - "Click to Join AOL"
Interesting thread, ebrown - I'll keep my eyes open for bad advice......
Good one, timber. Another one is "Your computer is infected with spyware. Click here to download free spyware fighter"
Not that I think this is necessarily the worst, but I found it quite amusing.
One woman in response to questions about visiting DisneyWorld went on a tirade about how dangerous DisneyWorld was - she said how the characters were all child molesters. They took these jobs so they could dress up and touch children.
Perhaps not the worst advice, but just a bit off.
I had a little chuckle when I saw that you started this thread, with that title.
Worst advice, where to start...I suppose it's just when I see all these advertisments guaranteeing dramatic results in 2 days! or something like that.
btw, I always laugh when I meet people who habitually say everything is the worst. I had an ex-husband who used to come home Every Single Day and say "This was the WORST day at work EVER"
That really played a mind game with me at the time, as I had been brainwashed to believe everything was my personal fault, including the hole in the ozone layer. One day I seriously asked him, "Do you mean every day is really worse than the next?" "Yes", "well, won't you just finally crack up one day and drop dead?"
More was said as I found my sea legs, but he never said his day was the worst again, he'd start to, and catch himself.
Saying something like that is pure habit, devised to tear others down while building themselves up. I casually knew someone years ago for whom everyone and everything was "stupid" When I called him on it, he denied I said "fine, just don't talk if you're going to say something is stupid."
It was hilarious, for the next half hour, he could barely get a sentence out before stopping himself. Finally he said "THIS IS STUPID" and stormed out.
shewolfnm wrote:Relationship advice -
Chumly wrote:If it was me, and there were no kids, I would not bother with therapists for something so ingrained, unless there were other REALY GOOD reasons to stay, I'd blow that Popsicle stand and find a new container of Hagen Das baby!
This what the poster in question most recently said and why my "Worst advice ever given on the Internet" still stands for her:
kitkat_bar wrote:I understand what some of you are saying. We have been working on certain things. But I am not just sitting there pointing fingers telling him its all his fault. What I am saying is that there comes a point when you don't know what is left to do. We have tried literally everything! And the reason I am depressed about it is that before marriage, we had great sex close to 1,000 times (not an exaggeration). The sex we have been having for the past two years has been so aweful I sometimes forget he's even the same guy. It really feels like I am having sex with a 13 year old. It's like he has to learn how to have sex all over again. At first we thought it was me so I got a lower perscriptive birth control. But that didn't help much at all. I am really not trying to be mean at all, just honest. To think that after all this time we haven't tried anything to fix the problem is well....just silly. He wanted to try this new technique he found on the internet where he pinches a part of himself that makes the sexual tension go away...that was a horrible flop because instead of going in me he went everywhere else. Then the second time we tried he couldn't get it up at all. Another problem with sex really isn't my fault and there is little I can do to help. He tells me that during sex he can't climax because he can't feel himself go.
Another reason why my "Worst advice ever given on the Internet" still stands:
"Therapy For Relationships Is A Scam"
Of course it could be them loathsome UFO's again; hovering around my home, incessantly, annoyingly
There is some pretty tragic advice given on message boards - I'll keep my eyes open and remember to post here next time I see some. (you can never recall it when you want to!)
I think I'm going to start giving really bad romance advice.....
I'm going to go tell crazielady right now to stay with the guy who's cheated on other women....
well, he's gotta have someone to cheat on, doesn't he?
Without someone on whom to cheat, there isn't much point to cheating - sorta takes all the fun out of it, ya know?
You can always masturbate blindfolded and cheat on yourself.
yeah, and just as you're about to orgasm, you can jump up and shriek....
"How could you do this to me after all I done for you!"
Then run in the bathroom and start sobbing.
Chumly wrote:
Of course it could be them loathsome UFO's again; hovering around my home, incessantly, annoyingly
doesnt matter.
I still thought it was a damn funny statement..