Well, LordiE. You spell marvellously for someone who's so under the weather, if that's of any consolation.
I hope you feel much better tomorrow.
Looking forward to the saga of mike's eyebrows.
So sorry to hear about your friend, LE. I remember when my grandfather died we had that same kind of bittersweet laughter during his funeral, as everybody told stories about him. It was sad, but it was also absolutely wonderful.
In the end, it really is all about the stories.
I'm sorry to hear of your saddness Lord E. I only hope my friends will be so moved when I take leave of this earth.
Sorry about your friend, LE. Hang in there, pal.
Sorry to hear about your loss, LE.
Take gentle care.
I had someone die I was very close to recently and a friend of mine told me "You can't have life without death. One person dies and another is born." Somehow that made me fell better and able to except it more. What would be really sad would be to die with no friends.
Ack! My fear is to die like one of my great aunts did - alone and poor - and angry.
hmmm. i also had a close friend die recently (well, two years ago)...jumped out of a balcony...completely unexpected, and i couldn't be there for the 'wake' at our usual haunt, where he liked to have his Carpathian Brandy with his friends. Feeling of complete powerlessness and loss. Still hasn't quite gone away.
I feel like there has been so much death in my world of late. Seems I had a charmed youth with little death, but then.....
littlek wrote:Ack! My fear is to die like one of my great aunts did - alone and poor - and angry.
Impossible! You have too much good natural personality to die alone and angry.
The poor however.............
littlek wrote:I feel like there has been so much death in my world of late. Seems I had a charmed youth with little death, but then.....
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time, lk. I remember two such years, about ten years apart, when all this stuff seemed to happen at once. Hopefully, you will have several good years now, to balance things out a bit.
<sorry for the caps>
I wish I could! Drunken insomnia....is it a recognised medical condition?
Nah....I'm OK now, just starving hungry and a slight headache, so I've got some porridge bubbling away in the kitchen, which will make me feel human again, once I get it positioned between my bellybutton and my backbone.
I will no doubt spend the day alternating between bursts of slow walking whilst holding of the forehead, and lying down quietly on the couch.
meat, grease, bacon....that's what you'll want, at least later in the day when your stomach has stabilized enough. i hate the drunken insomnia unless it's a giggly one. survive, tomorrow is another day.
LordE, s the misus with you?
I think yesterday took its toll on me (and everyone else no doubt) because the human brain can't cope with more than one strong emotion at once.
Anger, deep sadness, love, sympathy, helplessness, hilarity and the effects of alcohol. A truly explosive mix.
Mike contracted cancer about six months ago, and battled with it as hard as he could. His wife has had MS for several years, and they have two kids just starting University. Her family live in Canada, so when the kids resume Uni, she will suddenly find herself in a pretty unenviable situation.
Personally, I think she will go back home for long spells, as her family is very close knit.
god. i wish i had something smart and soothing to say...