Letty, Yes, I've had to write instructions for tying shoelaces. In fact I worked as editor on a series of books designed to teach hands-on activities. So I was required to view many common activities from a step-by-step point of view. What I learned from this was that you can't write it until you think it clearly. I strongly believe that people would and could write more clearly if their thinking skills were sharper. One person's opinion, for what it's worth. Woe is I

for being such a hardass.
New Haven,
Company is a singular word. A
company is planning to expand. The
company is moving
its headquarters. In these two sentences it's clear that
company is singular. When you write a second sentence,
company is still singular. Therefore, when you refer to it, you must refer to a singular thing.
A company is planning to expand. It needs more office space. (Not, They need more office space.)
The company is moving its headquarters. It is moving to a state with fewer regulations. (Not, They are moving to a state with fewer regulations.)
They is a word that refers to a plural and doesn't go with a singular antecedent.
I hope this helps.