In case any of you are wondering where your junk email comes from, when you never give your email address out, or if you have a separate email account for online shopping or email subscriptions - I think I may have figured it out.
Hotmail not only sells/gives away hotmail email addresses, but also all of the people's addresses in their users' contacts list, or so it seems. I didn't have ANY junk mail in my new email account (gmail) until I started emailing someone with a hotmail account. Now the junk mail doesn't stop. I had hotmail in the past, and only a day after starting my account, I had about 70 junk emails, and I hadn't given my email out yet. So it was obvious that they were very willing to sell the email addresses of their users, and since then, (in each of my 3 past email accounts that were not hotmail) as soon as I correspond with someone who has a hotmail account, the junk mail starts! I used my most recent email account for about
6 months with no spam/junk/phishing emails, but as soon as I correspond with a hotmail user, that's when it starts.
I'm not sure if any of you are as bothered with junk/phishing emails as I am, but if you are, you might want to keep the hotmail thing in mind - especially if you start fresh with a new email account.
Or does everyone already know all of this?
I also noticed that Columbia House seems to spark a lot of junk mail.