Mon 13 Mar, 2006 04:28 pm
Another thread prompted me to do this survey.
How many of you guys out there just love lesbians?
I've never met anyone from Lesbos, but i suspect they would not differ much from any other of the modern population of the Greek Islands, whether Greek or Turk.
Why this sudden fascination with the eastern Mediterranean, you closet rug muncher, you?
I love everyone. I'm a care bear.
Setanta wrote:I've never met anyone from Lesbos, but i suspect they would not differ much from any other of the modern population of the Greek Islands, whether Greek or Turk.
Why this sudden fascination with the eastern Mediterranean, you closet rug muncher, you?

I was prompted by the homosexual thread to ask this very important question.
I even had to call myself a twit, so I could see the poll results. <sigh>
I can't really vote.
I don't like or dislike lesbians. But I've yet to meet one attractive lesbian(that I know of).
Bisexual girls, on the other hand....
Ok Slappy, fair enough, but with this survey, bisexual girls can count too.
no way....he just wants to watch....
bisexuals do not count....
Well, the idea of two hot chics going at it...yeah sure I'm game...roll film!!!
But, I agree with Slappy, as far as full blown lesbians, I don't know any that I would even give a second look....the ones I know either look like Eleanor Roosevelt, or Rosie O' 50 lbs.
I was shooting a wedding a few years ago...didn't know the family at I spent most of the time outside waiting until they needed me. During the reception, two girls pulled into the parking lot, and were setting in the car arguing, they couldn't see me so I kept watching...the driver kept grabbing the passengers arms as they were a very manly sort of way. Anyway, when they finally got out...I got to hear part of the discussion...the manly one did not want to be there, did not want the girly one there, and said if anybody got out of line...somebody was gonna get cut. As they walked by me the manly one was adjusting the box cutter {the 6 inch kind with the breakaway blade} she had stuck in her front pocket.
The girly one, was in the wedding...tight fitting silky dress, and was built like Raquel Welch, the manly one looked like Barney Rubble, and set in the corner glareing and growled at everyone all night. Naturally every guy in the place was checking out the curvy girl, every time she would get up to do something, one of the guys would get her out on the dance floor, only have the girl dragged back to the corner table by "Barney"
There is a lot more to the story...but that's enough to get my point across.
Photographers get to see everything, I bet the professionals have the best stories.
as a kid most of my crushes were lesbians (not that anybody knew then), both jodie foster and kristy mcnichol, i tend to dislike really girly girls, give me jeans and a t shirt any day
jodie fosters good...I'd do her.
kristy mcnichol....bleech.
Jodie Foster is a lesbian?
Was wondering the same about Jodie.
Kristy...yeah crush city.
Montana wrote:Jodie Foster is a lesbian?
from wikipedia
"Foster is intensely private about her personal life. She has two sons (Charles in 1998, and Christopher, aka Kit, in 2001), but has never revealed the identity of their father or whether they share a father. Because of this and because she has lived with producer Cydney Bernard for several years, some allege that she is a lesbian. However, she has never made any public statement regarding her sexual orientation.
An unauthorized biography of her, written by brother Buddy Foster, identifies her as bisexual."
Well then, she's a damn good actress, but we already knew that.
I think of lesbians as so many women say they want to be thought of - "just persons".