im glad to see grumpy bits ( wimmins )
taking over this thread...
as it should be..
squinney wrote:First time I've heard a man say THAT!
Hehe. We got 'em runnin' scared!
it was quantity that got to me, not quality...
skeer't, yes... but holdin' my ground with trepidation.
Heh, it was all one of those set up type deals...while you gals waz all up in here, me and some of them other fellers done tossed all yaw's shoes in the crick...yep barefeeted...the throbing blue veined one will be along any moment, to finish the job.
Oh. My. God. What is Bear going to do with those wet shoes? Do we really wanna know?
Ha! I often go barefoot. I have callouses on my feet like diamonds....all mins shall look to their wormies and happy sacks.
Region Philbis wrote:skeer't, yes... but holdin' my ground with trepidation.
I don't see no Trepidation poating.
Yon hotpad hallucinates.
Evil lagomorph wimmins . . . leave that man alone ! ! !
<is there where I take advantage of the lil red dog still being logged in?>
Why do wimmin bumps hold such attraction for men?
Their bumps? Or their lovely lady lumps?
The mins just don't have a clue, do they? They really are so cute, with their dangly bits.