Mon 13 Mar, 2006 11:08 am
Varium et mutabile semper femina. -- some Roman dude said that, i disremember which--but it means you can't trust no darned wimmins . . . them Eye-talians has been amakin' that point for centuries: La donna e mobile is what ol' Joe Verdi had to say about it, an' he wrote a whole song about it. That was his stock in trade, writin' songs fer Eye-talian tenors and fat German wimmins to caterwaul, fer the eddie-fi-kashun and entertainment of folks who ain't got a clue what they're on about. At any event, it means you just can't trust no wimmins, cause they's fickle . . . and devious into the bargain.
We has been distracted, mins, by too may religious nut cases, and the political flannel mouths fightin' in the last ditches and what not . . . we are in grave danger daily from the evil wimmins, who have improved upon every opportunity while we have allowed ourselves to be distracted.
Men of Aytookay . . . git yer hind ends in motion, we has ta make up fer lost ground . . . if the evil wimmins triumph, we are all lost . . .
Doesn't La donna e mobile mean that a woman's riding in a car?
See, immediately an evil wimmin shows up to attempt to distract us . . . i tell ya, boys, we is in the deep poopie if we don't actly quickly . . .
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
William Congreve
The Mourning Bride
Fighting Words
Say my love is easy had,
Say I'm bitten raw with pride,
Say I am too often sad ---
Still behold me at your side.
Say I'm neither brave nor young,
Say I woo and coddle care,
Say the devil touched my tongue ---
Still you have my heart to wear.
But say my verses do not scan,
And I get me another man!
Dorothy Parker
I really like the bumpy bits.
them bumpy bits can be a slippery slope
exactly. here I go slip sliding away. know the nearer your destination...
there ain't no cure for love.
The more them boys is slip slidin' away . . . i'm losin' ya, ain't i, boys? It's them evil wimmin paradin' them bumps . . . we're lost . . .
so Set what you need now is a nice hot bowl of Frito Pie and an R.C. Cola.
I'll take the RC, but you can keep that there frito pie . . . some wimmin prolly made it anyhoo
wimmin are not allowed near Frito Pie, they have Ben & Jerrys.
Uh oh. Did Set & Bethie have a fight?
<runs to find ehBeth>
See, see ? ! ? ! ?
Them wimmins just never ceases and desists from trouble-makin' . . .
<stops, turns around, walks back to Setanta>
Okay, buster.
What did you do to Beth?
I ain'ta skeert . . .
Mins ! ! ! Can't you see what's happenin' ? ! ? ! ? There you is, seduced by frito pies and other such artery busters . . .
When they ya hooked,
Then yer really cooked!
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do?
Mix the crumbled blue cheese into the ground meat.
That's all I'm saying.
oh, and mushrooms
That fella with the frito pies is in trouble.
ehBeth wrote:Mix the crumbled blue cheese into the ground meat...
Yeah, that's how it starts.
Then come the mushrooms.