It was quite a while ago, spider, as part on one of those "tours" a small (pretty enlightened) Oz aid organization used to run, to educate their members about development projects in various countries, I wasn't actually a member, but they needed to make up numbers for the tour to be able to proceed, so ..... as I knew a couple of folk who ran the organization in Melbourne, off I went with them! It was amazing. I learned so much, became totally besotted with India & all things Indian & had a wonderful time! The whole group (about 20) would meet up in places like Hyderabad, Calcutta, Poona, Bombay (Mumbai sp?. Please feel free to give these places their correct names, spider. I'm in something of a time warp, I'm afraid!) & meet locals involved in the programs, attend lectures, etc .... then we'd set off by train, or rattly buses to far-flung places to visit little village projects in really remote areas. We managed to get some "free time" to explore for ourselves & wander about in between those quite serious lectures, tutorials & site visits. We didn't actually get to the most famous tourist havens, but hey, it was just fascinating going to places where tourists hardly ever go. I've never forgotten the experience.
I think it was in Poona that we awoke one morning, looked out our hotel windows ... & discovered Holi celebrations in full swing! What a riot of colour & music & activity!