Fri 24 Feb, 2006 08:19 am
My web site keeps going down and in event viwer i have the repeated mesage:
The IIS Admin Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 7 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action. it does this about 20 times a day and is really irritating me now. I havn't changed anything since this was not happening, any ideas would be wicked great cheers.
btw I am using IIS on windows 2000 server and all scripts are asp with vb.
to get it back up I simply restart IIS or the server, hope this helps
I'm am not using sql I am using access for the databases.
Well, the service has a "Recovery" tab. Set it to automatically restart when the service fails. Max downtime is one minute.
Plus install all the latest window's updates. Then start looking for what's causing the service to fail. Unfortuanately, we don't have enough info at this point to help with that.
Hi DrewDad thanks for your response, I've installed all up to date patches etc already, its not really acceptable for the site to have a minute downtime it would be but the site is going down over 20 times a day.