Loved The Dark Tower series, recommend me some others?

Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:24 am
Hello, I've recently become an avid reader and have read lots of books by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dan Brown, George Orwell, Alexander Dumas, etc.

What I loved the most was the 7 Dark Tower books by Stephen King, it was the most fun I've ever had reading, I love the story and the characters.

I'm having trouble finding something similar to the dark tower series, can someone recommend me something? I've read lots of other Stephen King books (Salem's Lot, Rose Red, Desperation, Pet Sematary) but none of them interested me as much as The Dark Tower.

any incite would be appreciated Smile
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 06:08 am
What you would find interesting about King is how he intertwines characters from his other works into what you are reading presently.

For instance, since you've read Desperation, now read the Regulators.....It's like reading Desperation from another dimension, the story, the characters are there, but, well, different.

I've read everything by King, some I liked, some didn't...

But, if you think you loved the Dark Tower series, it would have blown you aware how so many things from his other books was in there...but then again, that went with one of the central themes of the book.

If you really want a book to make you think, pick up House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. Although not a series, to me it was the most satisfying, challenging read of my life. I know I've mentioned this book before, but it was just so.....impossible to say what it is.

It is actually physically challenging to read.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 11:12 am
There's so, so, so, so much in the DT series, you might consider reading it again. I know I almost did.

I would read some Hemingway, were I you. His books just leave you with such an impression. Try A Farewell To Arms, or maybe For Whom the Bell Tolls.

But, if you're looking for more fantasy go for George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. It's an amazing, gritty series reminiscent of a Tolkien, but with more realism.

If you're still unsure, tell me specifically what kind of book you're looking for and I'll see if there's one I've read that fits the description.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 03:46 pm

Do you enjoy exploring sub-universes, fictional worlds developed in more than one book?
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 03:56 pm
Try the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin.

Their order of release:

A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows

They are, in my opinion, much better than the Dark Tower series.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 08:59 pm
Noddy, yes i do.

Instigate and CrazyDiamond, thanks I will definitely check out George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Crazy...specifically I enjoyed the out of this world yet realistic and not over the top atmosphere of the DT series. I also enjoyed the gritty and troubled Roland, hes my kind of leading character. I'm not really interested in swords and elves and that kind of stuff.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 12:48 pm
You might try:

Glen Cook: The Black Company Series


Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Series


Stephen Brust: Taltos Series


...and I thoroughly agree with checking out George Martin.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 01:41 pm
Have you read The Stand? Stephen King's best book, in my opinion.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 05:32 pm
I can only assume you have already read Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. The movie is good but can't begin to do the books justice. I read the trilogy in about week when a teenager. (Yes, all three.) I couldn't put it down. I preferred hard science fiction but LoTR is too well written not to be drawn in.

Another fantasy series is "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" trilogy with an alternate universe entered by someone that is an outcast in this world, the reluctant hero who doesn't want to be there.

That reminds me of "A Canticle for Liebowitz" which leads me to "Flowers for Algernon."

And for other good science fiction don't forget Frank Herbert's "Dune"
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 05:53 pm
In the front of the seventh DT book is a list of titles by King and others (like Peter Straub) who have written books impacting/referring to the DT series. Try some of them (along with the many other good suggestions here)...
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 06:35 pm
how come nobody's mentioned harry potter?

just kidding. DT was one of a kind, blending realism & fantasy, so hard to recommend a follow-up. best i can come up with is a series by another "crossover" writer, Dan Simmons, who writes both SF & Horror. Try Hyperion first, and chances are you'll want to read Fall of Hyperion, and perhaps Ilium and Olympos as well. If you liked some of the machines in DT, like Blaine, Simmons' AIs are much more sophisticated.
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