Noah's Hard Left Hook! wrote:
Essentially I have asked if it was really what he said that offended.
And I, in turn have essentially said that Noah was a source of amusement for me and that I derived no offense.
Quote:> Okay! Given that Noah and plenty of people who use that term in a like manner have not promoted or made their definition or charge contingent on it being "genetic" or otherwise "inherent" - in 'whiteness' - perhaps in the sense you do (you have not explain exactly what that means or implicates) then how is it that you can claim the label is defamatory when obviously you are talking about two different things with very different implications?
Really, Noah, the simplest concepts trip you up.
If one were to claim that the use of the word "nigger" is by his own definition a "friendly" term I would not think it in any way unreasonable for the person being described as such to object to its use.
Would you? If someone claims they use it in a certain way that is not defamatory , would you accept their use on their terms?
I think it's perfectly reasonable to reject their definition. But again, you really should talk to someone who was offended by Noah.
Quote:"...and think such beliefs have caused great harm."
> Frankly, the harm associated with the term is irrelevant especially when a different working definition is established.
What you think about the relevance of the meaning of terms applied to others is not as important to them as what they think.
If someone wanted to use racial slurs against me and claim that they simply use a different definition of the term I would not necessarily accept it.
Quote:That's like trying to judge political parties today by how they were defined in earlier eras where they perhaps had a very different if not opposite worldview than they have today. By way of analogy, you are saying that idea of the harm that was associated with either party in the distant past is a basis never using either those party names or like terms however differently defined today.
That's absurd. White supremacy causes harm today. Perhaps with a lesser frequency of occurance than in the past but that does not mean it is not harmful to society now.
Do you allege that white supremacy no longer causes harm?
You mean you quibble over the word and thereby your definition of it and how your definition of it doesn't apply to and thereby rending yourself incapable of judging whether it was inappropriately used against because you have essentially used it against yourself. That is you have "conflated" your idea with Noah's as if to say that Noah, simply by using the term, has levied it at you and others by the definition you have chosen.
This argument does not come close to making any sense. Feel free to try to prove otherwise. :-)
Quote:In essence you have associated yourself with the KKK types or whoever and not Noah.
Actually I haven't. Please note that
you are the one who brought up the KKK and that
you are the only one making that association. Really Noah, try to follow this discussion.
Quote: I know for sure his definition (as one my links coincides and suggests) goes far beyond those types or any that you have mention and that's exactly what you seem to find problematic.
I have no "problem" with a definition of white supremacy that extends beyond the KKK-type extremes. Again, your assumptions and over-active imagination need to be curbed.
Quote:You want to of course limit it to those who are "proud of it" - a poor description of anyone who adheres to a certain philosophy - as a way to avoid it implicating anyone who isn't out of the norm of thinking or however you would characterize it.
I have
never once said I wished to limit it to those who are proud of it. Again Noah, your inability to demonstrate elementary reading comprehension skills are making you argue against phantoms.
A pity you need to conjure them instead of addressing the real persons herein.
Quote:You want to isolate it and therefore you choose to insert your definition or rather insist that the way inwhich you define white supremacy was in effect if not indeed the way inwhich Noah was making such accusations.
And again Noah, you demonstrate the inability to comprehend the written word. I clearly said that Noah applied his accusations against persons who do not fit his own definition. So the discussion of whose defnition is the working one is a moot logomachy of your own creation.
Even by Noah's definitions his applications of the accusation were faulty.
Quote:That's the problem with semantics. And for the record, if anything, I asked you for your definition of white supremacy within the context of what made Noah's use of it problematic. You stipulated that he applied it poorly but I have to wonder if you were talking about his definition or yours.
And again, I direct you to the time that I said that even using
his definition he applied it poorly. The semantic games you play are of your own creation. I will restate it using a bold font to help you:
Noah's stated definition of "white supremacist" was inconsistent with some of his accusations of it. HE applied the accusation poorly even when we consider HIS definition to be the operative one.
Quote:And to your naive and pretentious argument that you have some "common ground" with Noah... well, just because you both may want change...
never said it was solely on the basis of a mutual desire for change. Really Noah, in your reply try to make an argument that does not involve an erroneous assumption.
Quote:it is quite evident that you don't want the same kind of change or particularly for the same reasons.
Evident to who? Feel free to explain your substantiation for this statement.
Quote:So, if your "change" is different from his "change" then where is the "common ground"?
It is the same in the fundamental ways and different only in that I rejected some of his more idiotic ideas on teh implementation (liek having "black leaders" handling black people's taxes).
Quote:Democrats and Republicans both say they "love" America and want to make her "better", etc., etc. but would you characterize that mutually held goal as "common ground"?
Yes, that is common ground.
<shrugs> You think all kinds of things. Whether or not they have anything to do with reality is a separate issue.
Quote:Likewise, you shouldn't try to intimate that there is such a "common ground" when obviously there is a lot that you fundamentally disagree with.
Says you? Common ground and fundamental differences are not mutually exclusive. When giving advice, it should not be idiotic (says me).
Quote:"Common ground" indicates agreement on core fundamental principles.
This is just classic, Noah. Is that your definition or mine?

When I use the term "common ground" do you think it best to use your definition? Whatever happened to the "especially when a different working definition is established" nonsense you went in circles about earlier?
You are a riot!
Quote:If you characterize Noah's opinion about white supremacy as something he feels or implies that is "inherent" (and I believe you do in fact believe that to be his position)
Yet another idiotic assumption. What you believe again diverges from reality.
Quote:I recall the exchange on INTERNAL and EXTERNAL... and if I'm right you objected to the either/or line of thinking - which would be something we share in common - but did not specify what constituted the INTERNAL things. That does not seem to suggest "common ground".
Yes, Noah. One of our differences is an area that is not common ground.

Noah, you have a penchant for what's technically called "stating the bloody obvious".
Quote:What you have indicated, IMO, is some type of superficial "common ground" that is apparently not based on anything except the overall notion or concept of change.
I disagree. I think we both share an important thing. We both want to see the black's lot in life improved. How to do so is one thing we might have points of disagreement. But essentiallly we share a common goal there.
Now if we only had "change" in common it could be a situation in which he wanted black uplifting and I wanted their subjugation. That would be a big difference Noah.
Now to be sure, what you consider to be superficial or significant common ground is a relative issue. And feel free to reject the association. Frankly I think it has more to do with the qualities in me that you dislike than an objective acessment but then again, association has a long history of having to do with likeability.
If you don't think the common goal is common ground worth speaking of, I can understand, if not agree.
Quote:And, I'm not white or a subscriber to certain philosophies that seem to resonate with whites (for a lack of a better way of phrasing it) so you would have to explain to me what a "pinko commie" is and how it is relevant or indicative of a position that would seek the same common goal and shares "common ground" with Noah's ideas.
I used the term just because what I was going to call Noah's position was not flattering, so I used one that is typically not flattering to describe mine.
Simply put, my solutions that I think would help the shared goal of the improvement in black standards of life have a greater basis in societal standing than race.
For example, let's stay in abstract terms. I think the poor should be helped regardless of what race they are. Noah seemed to argue that affluent black people deserved help, even if it hurt poor people of other races.
So mine is simply more socialist with social status being the criteria, while his is more ethnocentric with race being the criteria. I don't feel safe assuming anything on Noah's part but I don;t think our difference about this criteria was that big to him. I think he realized that if backs are disproportionately poor that helping the poor would help rectify this.
We parted company next on the issue of reparations being given to "black leaders" to distribute. I really found that to be absurd and preferred to let individuals decide their finances (they are of course free to seek out such leaders).
Quote:Quote:My qualms with Noah's theoretical definitions of supremacist views are less copious than my qualms with his application of them in practice (i.e. knee-jerk accusations).
I think I just demonstrated or at least suggested that your assertion that you somehow have common ground with Noah is a false and superficial one.
Nope, you conflate again. This is a comment on Noah's penchant for using the term against people whom he had not yet measured against his own criteria. I gave you an example where he says we "all" are. To be sure, he did not verify that we "all" fit his criteria.
That's just one example, he'd also mix up people's posts and call teh wrong person a white supremacists and refuse to apologize.
In short, he used it without even his own justifications. I would liek to see you use his own criteria to illustrate how his accusations were valid. You'll see what I mean. At times he got a little carried away.
Quote: The idea that he even did it to people who agree with him in "large part" is your assertion.
That was just one example, he also leveled the accusation against everyone here, and in individual cases against persons who he hadn't meant to level it against because of his inability to follow a discussion.
> Odd that you raise this. One of my disagreements with Noah was his assertion that blacks are "damaged". But that's a minor quibble that I won't pursue here.
"One of your disagreements"... I guess that's how "common ground" works, huh? (I won't mention that that implies that you had several disagreements with Noah, so I won't mention how that puzzles me with your assertion about "common ground".)
Noah, allow me to explain how "common ground" works.
This is an example of a disagreement.
That is not "common ground".
"Common ground" is its opposite. Got it? The points on which we disagree are obviously not examples of "common ground".
Quote:Those disparities, as I see it, would equate to the "deficits" alluded to in the link and not some undescripted concept of blacks being "damaged"... I'm sorry, but I can't figure out in what sense you disagree with Noah on that because I don't know in what sense he used it and frankly I don't care. I offered that source which used a very different term that I think needs very little interpretation whereas you allude to something I think must have a context in order to understand.
I don't think it takes a lot understand the "deficits" but that "damaged" idea, even if it is a term that Noah used and even if you are using it in the same way, begs the question of:
Damaged in what way?
Damaged by whom or by what? etc.
Noah was saying that blacks are mentally "damaged" because of slavery. Like I said, a mere quibble, if you don't care what he said it's not worth pursuing.
Quote:The implications are obvious. Disagreement over them are fundamental - aka in opposition to having "common ground".
You demonstrate similar logical deficiencies as the first Noah.
Fundamental disagreements and common ground are not mutually exclusive.
Quote:Quote:I'm willing to entertain the discussions as long as they are amusing, but if I fail to meet your criteria and am relegated to your "racist" pigeon-hole I will simply give it all the consideration it is due.
Now, Golly Geeze Got DAMN!!! I don't believe that I have called you racist or said that you believe in white supremacy. I haven't been concerned with what you believe but have only dealt with what you have written here without making either such conclusion about your person.
What is it that has you resorting to name-calling? and now, making completely false accusations about what I have said or might say?
Get a grip Noah. I never said you accused me of these things. What I did say was that when you stated what was not "enough" to make someone not a racist to you I did not care.
In other words:
1) You tried to define what is "enough"for someone to not be considered a racist. This was your opinion.
2) I said I didn't really care what's "enough" to you. So were I not to meet
your criteria I would not lose any sleep.
Got it?
Quote:I have used the name Noah's Hard Left Hook!... not Noah 2, etc. Seems like you have a lot of time to speculate as to what I'm trying to do, who I'm trying to be like and what my eventual motives or actions will be.
It doesn't take much time at all. ;-)
Quote:For the insecure, I hardly think I write in the same style as Noah [the African] so whatever it is that makes you think that I am him or will say or do exactly what he has is particularly laughable.
Again the inability to demonstrate reading comprehension crops up. I am the only one who has expressed the opinion that I do not think you are him. I find you a bit more reasonable and a great deal more coherent at times.
But frankly, I really don't care who's behind the words. I just address the words. My use of the names was because you've named yourself after a punch. It's an awkward proper noun.
Quote:It is also a very curious thing...
While you have a problem with Noah alienating you due to certain things you feel.... you feel... you have in "common" with him/his ideas, I wonder why it's so easy for you to attempt to alienate or castigate me simply because I guess I acknowledge that there may be somethings I share in common with Noah.
1) I have no problem with Noah "alienating" me. <shrugs>
2) I have no intention of "alienating" or "castigating" you. Heck we can be buddies if you'd like.
If in any of my discussions with you, you detect animosity allow me to apologize. I can be an ass and I state things forcefully. It's not personal and when I do something idiotic I call my own mental flatulence "brainfarts" and the like as well.
Quote:I mean going to the extreme of worrying about whether I will place you in a category or assess whether you meet a criteria (that Noah presented) when I have not and never suggested that I would is pretty revealing.... and entertaining I might add.... because you know there is no basis in what I have said that would JuMp to that conclusion or delve into that kind of unfounded speculation.
I made very clear that I had no worries in this regard. That reading incomprehension is acting up again.
Quote:I have not asked you to prove whether you are racist or not.
Never said you did... buddy (I can use that right? We're pals?)
Quote:Frankly, I don't give a crap if you are. And I damn sure will not be holding my breath for you to raise your hand and begin a AA type of confessional. :wink:
My name is Craven de Kere, and... I'm a..
Quote:Whew!!!!!!!!! Now all of that is too funny. Thanks for the entertainment.
Yes, 'twas funny. Though I suspect I find it so for different reasons.
Quote:Now can we get back to a real discussion.
There was a real discussion? I made it very clear that Noah's word was not something I'd get into an intellectual level of discussion about. Perhaps I have missed something? Or demonstrated reading incomprehension of my own?
Quote:I asked you what I did about white supremacy, etc. in order to understand what it is that you object to.
I still don't think you understand my "objection". It was not in the definition. You said that he had not every given a blanket "you all are" accusation but I gave an example where he did. It's this kind of knee-jerk application that I had a qualm with.
It really precludes any real discussion.
Lemme do a skit (not verbatim).
Noah: Anyone who doesn't want black societal improvement is a racist.
Craven: Ok, I want black societal improvement. But how about making the criteria need, as opposed to race.
Noah (right after calling black people House Negroes, Uncle Tom's and such): Fine, but the reparations (or tax returns) should be given to black leaders, for who better to know black needs than a black leader.
Craven: I think that's stupid. Who better to know the black needs than the individual blacks themselves? Skip the middle man, let them have the money and they can decide to follow a leader if they want to.
Noah: You are all defenders of white supremacy! You do not want to see black improve because of your own self interest!
Now, in these exchanges, implicit in his reasoning was that a disagreement with him, no matter how trivial equated to not wantng black societal improvement.
Do you at least in theory see why one would have a qualm with this?
Quote:If you would rather talk about my initial MLK post (response) then I'm more than happy to talk about that.
I'd have to read it first. I still have a huge post of yours to read so dunno when I'd get around to it. I would be interested. I don't know enough about him.
Quote:BTW, I can and have accepted what you said about the abrasive tone of it and though I am not one who confuses style with substance... I take your words on that in advisement.
To be honest the tone was all that brought me here. Same with the first Noah. Since I don't much care about what people call me I sometimes draw the attention when there is hostility. I guess it's a better he argue with me than others, cause I know it won't bother me thing.
Quote:It's funny though how it was so easy for you to continue to talk about Noah... FYI if someone would have address the MLK post I would have no reason to speak about or defend Noah. Me, personally, I will talk on any issue on almost any level. With an exception of my name, I did nothing to start this conversation about Noah... and I think you know that.
I agree, and frankly the witch hunts about user names here is idiotic. I failed to give you context but I really ddi want you to read the flame warrior's link first.
What it is is the "xenophobe" characterization there. On another forum many here used to frequent the quality fo discussions was reduced substantially by trolls who would duplicate user names. For this reason you find the hyperbolic sensitivity about that happening here.
Frabkly, the witchhunts have been right less than 1% of the time and they are idiotic, but I hope you at least understand the why now. It's not about Noah really.