Fri 17 Feb, 2006 09:25 am
I have Zone Alarm (not the pro). I have noticed, that whenever I want to listen to a song clip, I get a notice from Zone Alarm, "Internet Explorer is trying to act as a server". Not knowing what that means exactly, I always hit "deny", but would be interested in what that is all about. There is never a problem playing the clip.
Anybody have any ideas?
Hasn't anyone had this experience?
We run Zone Alarm, but I don't pretend to understand it. I asked Mr B and he said it means that the program on your computer that you are using to listen to the clip is able to set up two-way communications with the internet. To listen to the clip you can deny the two-way communication and you will receive in info from the internet. If you accept the two-way then you can send out requests as well. An example of when you might want to have two-way communications is a program on your computer that send out a request for updates every so often, such as for stock quotes or news feeds.
Zone Alarm allows you to permanently deny the request by checking the 'remember next time' before you hit deny.
I can ask him for further clarification if this is muddy.
J_B- But why does this only happen when I am attempting to hear music clips?
What program do you use to listen to the clips (real player, quicktime player, etc)? Do you use the same program to access the internet for other purposes?
I usually use Windows media player, or the Amazon Music Sampler when listening to clips. I blew away the Real Player.
From what he said, it's the software on your computer that gets a request to act as a server and participate in two-way communication. You can deny the two-way by clicking no to Zone Alarm. I don't know why it only happens when you listen to music clips, unless there is something unique to listening to clips that triggers a request for a two-way linkup that doesn't happen when you use that software for other purposes. What other online ways do you use Media player or Music Sampler than listening to clips?
The only other media player that I use is Quicktime. I have to pay more attention to when it happens. It seems to me that it happens when I attempt to play the clips from Amazon, although I am not 100% sure. I will make a note of it, whenever it happens.