Wed 8 Feb, 2006 01:56 pm
I was just replying to a thread in the gaming forum, and was thinking about how neat it is that I can use the internet to play games with other people all over the world. So I guess I'm curious about what else people use the internet for besides the obvious web-surfing and email.
I use it for, besides the obvious (forum posting, email, general surfing):
-Reading the news--I read newspapers a lot online, which allows me to read newspapers from all over the world for free.
-Gaming with friends
-Telephone service--I have SunRocket voip, so it uses my internet connection to make calls
-TV shows--I download a lot of videos and shows from iTunes and elsewhere for my iPod
-Music--same as TV shows, I get a lot of my music for my iPod from the internet
I can't think of anything else, but I'd imagine I'm forgetting some things. What about everyone else?
Professional development/remote education/distance learning - that sort of thing.
Buying things
Booking travel
Paying bills
Watching the bunnies (don't have fox - thank you telstra)
Work - I do contract and casual IS work from home.
Annoying people on A2K
Reading different newspapers
Checking stock market & bank accounts
listening to XM radio
general web surfing
I use the internet as a snood.
I hope you wash it when you finish....
Just the usual stuff here, I think ...
reading/sending emails
visiting forums
working on my website
wasting time ...
What do you use your internet for?
I use mine for research, especially in preparing poetry readings. There's hunks of good stuff on hunks of good sites for me to use. Much easier than going to the library and pulling books off shelves, making notes, and supporting the xerox machine.
porn mainly if i'm honest
i do heaps - mail, internet searching, chat, shopping, assignments, work, etc.
for research, emails, chatting etc..btw.. its my job to sit on the computer and check how the market goes ......... and m paid for that
mainly downloading and talking to friends on forums. And also reading random things.
what do you use your internet for
And I read the NY Times; check in on a couple of forums (besides A2K); keep an eye on the market,; do a lot of my shopping; email - all the basic stuff., nothing wild or exciting.
I use the net for work, chatting (we have SunRocket here at work. Saves on phonebills and whatnot. I like it- its still kinda like geek technology

) and of course checkin in on Able2Know. I'm kinda new, but I'm a huge fan already. The breadth of conversations is a great way to get a little downtime and think about stuff other than work!
Humm...lots of things..
School work, classes, research...
Bill paying
Have my own "online business"...
Keeping tabs on the baseball teams in my area....
My favorite is Genealogy....
I have a website set up for that also....
And I have a website set up for my photos....
music downloads
I use it to research my independent thesis on Lesbian Pornography in America. I'm VERY studious!
Hygiene habits (Nuns)
Gardening/DIY tips and info.
19th Century history (women's undergarments)
that is some slippery work there black..
with the help of the internet,
you should be done with that lickety split..
There's a lot to be done and it can be overwhelming, but you just have to dive in, head first!