Hi Heeven, I'm Algis kemezys and i'm the lithuanian in the group.
Petite SWF 29, brown hair, blue eyes, great in bed. Likes cold beverages, Marlboros, and red meat. Dislikes holding hands, long walks anywhere, and bad drivers. Must have a sense of humor, your own vehicle, and be able to physically defend yourself. Weepers need not apply.
Heeven, do u think I shud give it a shot then ??
Sugar - that is so perfect for you!
Gautam - are you telling me you have not been snapped up already? That you even have to advertise?
Well Heeven - I havent advertised (as yet) - and no, I havent been snapped up as yet - these brits must be blind or deaf or both
I like chicken sandwiches.
I won't bring you flowers on the first or second date.
But I like hugs.
Slappy that does not sound like you - c'mon man be honest - give a girl a chance to know you're a stalker!
I like chicken sandwiches.
I won't bring you flowers on the first or second date.
But I like hugs. And I want to fall in love. If you don't fall in love with me, it's because you don't realize you're missing out on the best thing ever. It may take 100's of hang up phone calls, or me following you on other dates, or me sitting in the tree outside your apartment until the cops show up and drag me kicking andscreamingwhilecryingcoveredinbabyoilandmustard for you to realize you love me, but...I heard women like persistant guys. And stuff.
Hey slapster, do you have any tattoos?
Is that a pickup line? I knew my personal ad was money.
No tattoos.
Shame - I had a hot tamale in mind for you! Or maybe not. You do realize you should buy her a chicken sandwich not the other way around, right? Now a 'chicken sandwich' is not a sex-euphamism, right?
I can get a fake one. Be a pretend bad guy for a while.
I disagree...she should buy ME a chicken sadwich. Unfortunately....that usually doesn't work.
Everything's a sex-euphamism.
She's more likely to slap you with a wet fish!
And no, that is not a sexual thing. Get your mind out of the gutter man .... or is it me who should get out of the ... never mind!
Slap me with a wet fish? Is that a sex-euphamism?
Hi, my name is c.i., and I'm a cancer, but I don't believe in astrology.

SWM, 42, Blockbuster assistant manager, still lives with mother. Know that feeling you get that you're being watched? Yup, that's me! Next time the hair on the nape of your neck stands on end, turn around and introduce yourself. I'll be the one wearing brown sandals, black socks and plaid shorts and will be pretending not to notice you. Most people dismiss me, but don't you!! Your life could depend on it. Aha, just kidding.
Oh, man, I did this for real in '88 when I met Mr. Jespah. Something about me being blonde and 25 and into Mozart and 10,000 Maniacs.
If I were writing an ad now (Mr. Jespah, close your eyes):
Born during the Kennedy Administration and educated here in Mass. but I come from further down the East Coast. Intelligence, sense of humor and kindness all appreciated, in any order. My hair color is no longer true but my heart is.
Looking for someone almost as odd as me. Almost.
I think BeachBum must be hot! C'mon nah! Gimme some sugah!
Heeven, I would be if I would take a shower once in a while.
And brush my teeth
And exercise
And stop farting continuously
But, I have started brushing my hair. Those ten strands were a little unruly for a while. Baby steps. Baby steps.