Chai Tea wrote:Mandso wrote:er, is everyone here...oldish? like, older than their 20's?
Whatever do you mean my dear?
Obviously I'm no older than 22.

Mr. DeMille, I believe Chai is ready for her close-up. :wink:
Mandso, I'll be 6 next month. (In dog years.)
Chai Tea wrote:If I had my way, everyone would wear some loose caftan like thing. You could cinch it in at the waist with a cord...No loud prints allowed. Solids would be preferable.
Wow, Chai. I never would have suspected this would appeal to you.
I'm 65 and enjoy wearing old seasoned clothes. Torn T-shirts with overalls. Comfortable. I usually wear ties at weddings and funerals. Now that I am involved with an Unitarian U group, I may even lose the tie. Comfort is the theme; plus, as you age and in my case retire, you don't care much what other people think about your clothes.
Mr. DeMille, I believe Chai is ready for her close-up. :wink:
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
Oh, we have some teenagers here....
CrazyDiamond....I think everyone knows and likes him. He's really funny and off beat. (and smart)
new guy.... crayon something or other.
old people can be fun too you for the thread "cuppycake" you'll see.
My parents had a small clothing company and made kids' underwear, t-shirts and the like. So we got to wear - or had to wear - stuff from the latest collection or stuff that had to be tried and washed... Actually, this wasn't too bad, we always had a lot of clothes. But living in a small town, we always stood out...
But no blouses or anything like that. It was knitted material - ranging from t-shirt to sweat shirt thickness and I even had a nice ensemble that was supposed to look like jeans - just very stretchy...
I am now getting used to real blouses!
memories, light the corners of my mind
horrible 70's earth tone memories
of the crap we wore
Ah yes, mapleleaf, being older is wonderful (except for the aches and pains that are beginning to be a pain...).
Living in Tucson was great because primary colors were normal and I loved bright colors. Jeans were also what we lived in most of the time.
Now that I'm sixty two, I can admit that, like a squirrel, I love anything that is shiny and glitters. So, dangly earrings with a t-shirt and jeans, glittery bracelets, gaudy rings.
After living in New England for over twenty years, I suppose that the new found freedom of living in the southwest again has added to the lessening of my clothing inhibitions. I learned to HATE tweeds after those long, long twenty years.
Di, there you are....somehow I missed the move back to the SW. You know; after one grows accustomed, as a child, to a select climate, I'm not so sure one really feels comfortable in the opposite type climate. I was raised in the windy, drifting snows of the midwest. I actually enjoyed fighting the weather. Then at 38 or so I moved to the South Georgia. Stayed for 18, hot, hot...humid. Then, after retirement, we moved to the hills and mountains of North Georgia. More hardwoods, brighter fall colors, lower temperatures...aaah.
So true, Mapleleaf, it was very hard for me to grow accustomed to the humidity of the East. It was beautiful and I have wonderful memories of raising my children there, but the SW has always been the only place where I feel free, almost as if I can fly through that huge, blue sky.
One of my best memories of childhood, in regard to clothing was saddle shoes. For some reason, I thought saddle shoes were something very special. They simply made me happy.