One specific place I remember.
For a few years my parents would sponser a booth for a boat show at the Asbury Park Convention Center.
It's right on the beach, today it's run down, but in it's day it was quite grand.
Anyway, the boats really bored me (this is in the time frame between 7 and 9 I think, but boats still bore me).
I would sneak off and go exploring. I came across an unlocked door and since no one noticed me, I slipped through. It was all the backstage area of the center. Small hallways, steep stairs, dark corners. I was frightened and thrilled at the same time. I snuck around for what seemed like hours. Keeping alert for sounds of anyone so I could quickly escape. I found a small opening that led to a balcony of sorts, that looked out over the whole convention center. I was invisible from where I was, and spied on everything.
Each night for the week or whatever the show lasted, each year, I kept my secret and would explore these halls.
The most exciting thing was that once I heard some music, and followed it to a small room where a film of some sort was being shown. It might have been a porno film for all I know. I just remember being really quiet and seeing that it was all men in that room, so I crept away before they could catch me. I just knew something bad would happen if they did.
God, I'm so lucky I didn't get raped at some point.
I used to do stuff like that, like if we went to NY and my parents were doing business with their lawyer or something, I'd ride up and down these elevators for as long as I could get away with it.
I was a strange child.
OH! Here's a picture of the carousel house that was right down from the convention center....