Stole your thread idea Chumly! Bwahahaha!
Hello. My name is Jace (pron. jay-s, jase, not jay-see) and I live in Nebraska. I've lied and told some people that I'm sixteen, but, the truth is, I'm fifteen (my birthday's in May). I'm a sophomore, by the way. My occupation is farmhand, though I'm a town boy m'self. And it's strictly a summer job. In school, I go out for nearly every extra-curricular activity that is offered and I get A-'s to B's for grades. Despite this, my teachers (those tricky people) see through the fact that I don't apply my full effort to my schoolwork and always pick me to go to those quiz-bowl thingys.
Okay, you can probably tell I write better than most teenagers, but, hey, it's what I plan to do when I get older (write, that is). Writing is my passion, you could say, but that might sound a little too much like a kinky-weird sexual innuendo.
In my free time like to write (poems/stories) and listen to music. I enjoy rock music and reading (classics and fantasy) till my eyes fall out. I enjoy posting meaningless, yet witty threads and replies (but my poetry is in the OW forum, if you wanna know).
That's me. Take it or leave it.
I notice hardly anyone puts anything in their profiles so...
Who's behind the username?
Who are YOU?