sozobe wrote:I'm competitive.
One reason I loved playing pick-up basketball with men is I could just out and be competitive without getting grief about it -- they respected it.
I used to have lots of fun playing basketball with girls, and they we're darn good.
sozobe wrote:I'm competitive.
Oh yeah? Wanna see who can be the
most super-duper competitive?
I was of a rather competitive bend growing up. Prior to my college days I wasn't much into reading, and really didn't appreciate the finer qualities of socializing. This left a rather large absence in my day-to-day life that needed to be filled by something somewhat constructive.
So I signed up to play on a little league baseball team. I played catcher, and was rather good at it despite the fact that at age 13 I weighed little over 125 lbs. I had never been much good at anything considered 'manly', discounting scratching myself and belching the alphabet, so I immediately took a shine to people praising my abilities on the field.
Our team did well, finishing in first place and moving on to play in the City championship tournament. Through a monumental breakdown of team effort, the pinnacle of which was me walking to the pitcher's mound and punching him in the stomach, we lost 18-1 in the first round.
I then went through a period of violent competitiveness, laughing gleefully whenever events turned in my favor, and throwing everything from Chess pieces to cletes when things went awry. My life consisted of either constantly apologizing to the few friends I had left, or working odd jobs to recompense those who's property I had severely damaged.
Then I got married, and all the desire to win was snuffed from me within a year's time.
I'm so good at whatever I choose to do I seldom have to compete.
i can slip on the ice ~ much ~ better than you can, bear...
Quote:I'm so good at whatever I choose to do I seldom have to compete
What about a Crow Eating Tournament?
When it comes to falling off a ski lift, I can beat every single one of you.
You might be most sensitive to gravity, but I guarantee I'll break more bones than you will on landing.
Actually it was a T-bar.
First (and only) time I went sking at 16
my brother kept going up the mountain, I drug myself through the woods to the ski path, just in time to met him on the way down. Didn't know how to take off my skis.
At least I can point to that day as the last time I was ever truly embarrassed.
After that, whatever followed was a minor annoyance.
So sad to peak so young.
Oh yeah.
Soccer, basketball, softball, raquetball ... those are the sports I'm competitive in.
Soccer is the only one I play regularly. And I definitely play to win.