Tee hee, cooter, snicker.
Ticomaya wrote:I am quite fond of Mexican.
I know, I've seen those Salma Hayek posters you have up all over your office.
(i yoosta think her first was Sal, as in Sal Mahayek...

errr maybe that's stickboy
boomerang wrote:Arms Akimbo.
I didn't use it so I'm saving it as my superheroine alter ego when I write my comic book life story.
Funny, but I think Legs Akimbo is funnier...
For me it would be Thinking in Tongues...
No farmerman, Corporal George Walker Pussy would have
been perfect for you.
Virgil Higgenbottom for gustav
Chester "Stinky" Higgenbottom for Lord Ellpus
Chuck Pelviss for Slappy
Rocco Bell for Gargamel
and Sister Clarabel P. Nufelhoffer for me.
Am I right in thinking that some of you have fictional names then?
Ivor! Now there's a bloody good name for starters.
Ivor Scrotum
Ivor Hardon
Ivor Problem (for when one wants to troll the relationship section, with some sort of thread that gets women writing rude words)
.....Ivor can go with pretty much everything, really.
....or Ivan.
Ivan Itchypole
Ivan A*shole
Ivan Airguitar (for music section)
Ivan Airbrush (art OR personal grooming)
etc etc
One could start out as a split personality and use a double name, such as "Ben Doon/Phil McCrevice" and post according to who is in control at the time.
Ivan Epiboly, does that count?
.......this is fun. One could use a specific name for a specific area of A2K.
Some for the ladies...
Claire Voyant (S and R)
Alice Tickband (household or office)
Emma Wroids (medical)
Eileen Dover (medical or sex advice)
Nora Bone (food or relationships)
Barbara Seville (Opera section)
Phyllis Stein (S and R threads)
Ulrika Garlic (food and hygiene)
Wilma Cargo (Auto mechanics)
...and the men
Barry O' Reefe (Australian section)
Rory Motion (love stories and poems)
Walter Wallcarpet (DIY)
Dan Gleebits (medical or my pics)
Will O'Patten (china and antiques expert)
Juan Moment (the hesitant Spaniard)
Lee King (medical threads)
Will Ting (medical or garden)
You've outdone yourself, m'Lord!
I used to post articles to a Runner's Club newsletter as Miles Furlong.
Orson Ounds.
Noah Zark.
Sam Widge.
Iona Racehorse
Ed Overeels
Ed Banger
Annette Kurtain
Sue Fley
Stan Dingproud
LionTamerX wrote:
Funny, but I think Legs Akimbo is funnier...
Legs Akimbo!?
Now that's just slutty.
Arms Akimbo is as badass as Shaft. Nobody messes with Arms Akimbo.
Can you dig it?
<Right on.>
Everybody messes with Legs Akimbo.