I would've chosen BucketOFelch....until I looked up the meaning:
Definition 1: Sucking semen out of vagina or anus with a straw
Definition 2: To suck your own cum out of your partner's ass (with or without a straw) and then give it back to them in a kiss.
Definition 3: The act of sucking your OWN cum out of your OWN asshole using a silly straw---this is possible only AFTER you have managed to stuff your own crank up your ass
Usage Example: Jack was one crazy b*stard, he managed to felch himself after jizzing in his own butt.
(courtesy of turdwords.com



Wow. I think I'll go with CaptainCraniumCracka, because I'm a whiteboy and proud. And, plus, then I would sound cool when I finally lived my secret dream of becoming a regular poster in the 'rap battle' thread.