Sun 8 Jan, 2006 05:24 pm
I grew up loving westerns, including Max Brand, Walter Van Tilburg Clark, and others. But never got into Zane Grey. The other day, I came into some abandonded Grey books, including the obligatory RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE, TWIN SOMBREROS, and THE HASH KNIFE OUTFIT. Wishing to examine his writing style, I dug into Twin Sombreros. It's pretty neat and colorful writing. I have trouble with the protagonist's language. He uses "aboot" a lot and "yu" for you. But it's getting pretty exciting, y'all hombres.
How about you? Got any favorites?
If you ever come across the sadly out of print Jubilation Gap, read it. It's just the most hilarious book I've ever read.
Don't remember. The last name is either Peterson or Patterson. It is really hard to find.
On the subject of hard to find, Deep Enough is full of factual anectotes from a mining engineer in the west around the turn of the century. I forget who wrote that too, but I think amazon still lists both as out of print books.
Amazon is good about locating out of prints. Thanks, roger.