My heart begin to sink
There are some huge toenails in my kitchen sink
I picked one up and it started to blink
It had little eyes, and it started to wink
I ask the little toenail if it could talk
It said no, but it could walk.
I said toenail, how did you say no, you could
walk if you can't talk?
How did you get here?
Toenail, did you come from a cow or a chicken?
Well she did eat as if it was finger licken.
She was having herself a treat
She chewed and chewed and thought it taste so neat
Then she spit me out of her hamburger meat.
I'm really not any wiser, but
The cows and chickens turned into fertilizer
I thought to myself, such a pity,
so I saved all the toenails and developed a Toenail City.
© 10/19/05
Ron Axelson