dadpad wrote:When you wash your hands place a bucket under the tap. there is nothing wrong with using this water all day or at least 2 or 3 times. Dishwashers use huge volumes of water. Top loading washers are much less inneficiant (water wise) than front loaders. Letting the tap run until the water is hot wastes a lot.
Some people are responsible but for most it is too much trouble so we need to invent systems that make water saving automatic.
Yep, agreed. But I don't agree with the notion (being touted in some newspaper & other forums) that we should pay a lot more for water to discourage waste. The idea being that people will use less of it if it costs more. That just discriminates against the poor & will have little impact on the wealthy. More public education is a better option, I think. And a few fall-back strategies from Steve & John for when/if the worst happens, hey? :wink:
I already have buckets/containers in all my bathroom & kitchen sinks. (the $2 shop has made a small killing out of me!
) I was amazed, at first, at how much wastage there was from just washing vegetables (& hands), or waiting for the water to get hot enough to wash the dishes! Now it all goes into my buckets, then just outside my back door for later use on the garden & my pot plants, after I'm finished. And I got rid of the top loader. It was eating my clothes, anyway, so no great loss anyway!
Here's a handy idea I picked up travelling in Java (Indonesia) a number of times. The "mandi" wash! (I hope I spelt that right.) Instead of having a shower every single time I need to wash, I now have a bucket full of water sitting in my bath, with this implement (a small container)with a handle). The idea is that you soap up, concentrating on the "critical areas" .... then slosh the soap off with water from the bucket. It does the job & saves heaps more water than showering as often. Great for those really hot days when you could shower a few times after getting hot & sweaty. I used to wonder how the Javanese always looked so neat, clean & cucumber cool in really hot weather. That's how! You could have 3 or so of those a day & still use less water than showering.