Mon 31 Oct, 2005 08:26 am
Ive been watching Bleak House on the BBC recently and I really like the character Lady Dedlock, I discovered her first name is Honoria, could someone tell me how this is pronounced?
Also, Im probably never lightly to read the book, Ive found litle on the net and Im too impatient to wait so could someone tell me more about her character?
Bleak House is well named, it's one of the most depressing of Dickens tales, and one of the most complicated. Turning it into a script must have been a difficult task.
I think her first name would be pronounced On-oria, but I could be wrong - I'm sure someone will say it during the production.
I don't remember the plot in great detail (there is a lot of plot in BH) and I don't want to spoil the surprise elements, but I do know that the lovely Honoria is mostly a catalyst for other characters and their actions. In some ways she is removed from the center plot and just kind of satelites around everyone.
She doesnt seem to be in it much, I keep watching and luckily the rest of the plots are quite absorbing but last night we found out she was involved with Nemo, so she may be in it more.
Not heard anyone say her name yet.
No pronunciation guide, but a picture here:
Bleak House deals not only with the legal system, but with wise and unwise choices in love.
I stupidly read a review of the book and I know whats gona happen with Lady Dedlock and Tolkinhorn, its still worth seeing as Ive forgotton what I read about the other characters.
'Shake me up Judy'.
That will be the phrase of the year for me!!