Sun 30 Oct, 2005 03:33 pm
Hey i know these are very broad topics, but if anyone has a minute, what books can you recommend (for a 16 year old) that deal with any of the following: good vs evil, values, sense of worth, rewards and risk.
Also, if anyone can recall, what books did you read your junior year in highschool?
Animal Farm
Crime and Punishment
Buried my Heart at wounded knee
Tears of the Elephant
All these are books that , as a kid, one can enjoy and have learned something about good, evil, and values.
I dont know anything about non-fiction inspirationl books. Ive avoided em. They usually come off like
"Follow these 13 points and you will be fulfilled"
Glad to see you on board, hope you enjoy the people.
Hey, just got back from barnes & nobles and i didnt get to read your post - but i actually choose, animal farm and lord of the flies. Knew the first one would be good. Still looking for more books though, so feel free to submit your books.
The Earthsea series by Ursula Le Guin