Sat 29 Oct, 2005 07:47 am
Just call me Blanche . . .
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have made kind remarks and expressed your sympathy for my situation. So many of you have demonstrated yourselves to truly be friends, often in a manner which beggars the insincere protestations of those whom we encounter "in real life."
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
As for the rest of yiz . . . you can ki . . .
(What ? ? ? I can't what ? ? ?
You're kiddin' . . . i can't say that ? ? ?
Oh geeze . . . OK, OK . . . )
. . . have a nice day.
Good to see ya, Boss.
Can I ask how things are now?
Things are mostly OK . . . but when my vision begins to dance, i have to lay off.
Thanks, Dag, yer a sweetiepie . . .
i prefer sausage to sweetiepie, but sure, i'll take it from ya.
In the Land of the Blind, the Seer is king.
Welcome back. Hold your dominion.
How wonderful to see you!!
We've all missed you terribly.
Smooches, winkin' Kitty . . .
Hoorah. Great to see you, Set. The kindness of strangers? Sounds like a lot of us. <smile>
Hey Miss Lettybettyhettygettymarycustislee . . . hope you weathered the storms well . . .
damn, The way ehbeth stated it, I thought you were having some computer hardware problems , I shoulda figgered that you coulda glommed a puter from some citizen. Glad to have you back and, damn , I hope that you can whip the eye thing, WIthout you here, were like a bunch of bleating sheep without a Border collie.
Now you needs to get to work we got strays all over the place.
Better than I deserved to, Setanta. <smile>
Straying lambs and orphans of the storm . . . there'll likely not be enough hours in the day . . .
I just got in all shemozzled from a bad date, now I feel good!!!!!
How the heck are you!!!!
'Bout half . . .
Good to see you Miss Wabbit . . .
. . . the ol' peepers need more rest than i give them, but things are slowly improving . . .
Setanta wrote:Smooches, winkin' Kitty . . .
Oh, big smooches back to you, Set!
Great to see you back. Your wisdom and insight was sorely missed.
As to salami make mine fried with eggs as an omelet.
Hello again, Setanta. As I said, good to see you back. Hope you're doing well.
Now where were we? Right ... I believe you were insulting my position on that other thread ....
Oh it is good to see you back!
I am glad to hear that things are improving. Keep resting your eyes and visit when you can -- we've missed you around here.
Good idea, AU . . . for breakfast, the salami needs to be thick-sliced.
You'll get yours, Tico, and you won't have to wait till the salami has fried . . .
You're very sweet, Boom . . . but don't worry, i won't tell anyone . . .