Piffka wrote:seibentage wrote:So many pet peeve so little time....
Hey Piffka i am from texas i have bad gramer and i can not spell and i will keep saying yale without using any correct type of punctuation. I am just kidding. But the people here in texas also can not drive. I hate the people who drive here. They suck.
I am just kiddin' too, and what an interesting 'nother spelling of yale.
People here in Washington (the state, dammit) who won't move over when I need to speed... and don't give me a short beep-beep thank-you honk when I move over for them and let them speed by me.
<Maybe they know I am hoping like heck that there is a state patrol car just beyond the next corner???> heh heh heh.... it never has happened yet, but a girl can dream.
siebentage, you must be from East Texas, close to the Arkansas border if you can't spell y'all. And it's NOT ya'll, it y'all....I suppose I must explain this again (sigh)....
"y'all" is 2nd person singular. As in "y'all goin' ta Wendy's? If y'are, I wish you would pick me up one of them thar .99 cent junior bacon cheeseburgers, here's a dollar. Keep the change.
"all y'all" is 2nd person plural, as when you see a whole passel of folks goin' to Wendy's, but cannot go yourself. Can be directly substituted in the above sentence.
"all y'alls" is 2nd person possessive. As in "Is that all y'alls bag full of burgers? Could I borrow one?"
"yale" on the other hand, is what one does to the dog when you catch him rooting in the garbage can. As in "No, I wuzn't yaling at you momma, ol' Buford here got his head stuck in a coffe can agin"
Glad I was here to clear this up.