Since Mr. J and our family have recently moved into the house we are in, I have been much more of a cleaning nut than I ever was before. I think it has to do with the fact that his ex wife lived here before us and I really want to rid the place of anything that reminds me of what a scum housekeeper she was.
We didn't even move in here for ten days after we got the keys. We spent hours scrubbing and bleaching in the kitchen and bathrooms mostly. Cabinets to floors and anything else that got in the way. It was then that I discovered she had "painted" the grout on all of the kitchen countertops to make it look white. Do people really do that?? The actual grout, instead of being natural white, was actually a muddy brown color and I was grossed out thinking of all the crappy germs
that could be harboring. ::shudder:: We also had all the carpets cleaned professionally even though we will be replacing them soon. They were just too gross to think of living on.
Yesterday I undertook the huge task of cleaning ALL of the tile floors (and there are a LOT of them). Again, the brown muddy colored grout turned to a lovely shade of beige that is actually quite liveable. I still want all the tile replaced with hardwood eventually but in the interim, at least I know they will be clean.
Dishes? I always rinse them before placing them in the dishwasher and usually use the "braille" method. Meaning my hands can feel better what might be stuck on a plate or a fork than a brush or a sponge can. I use a dishrag for countertops only, as someone mentioned before, those are put into the whites/bleach wash of laundry. I have like 20 of those and most weeks I end up with 4 or 5 of them in the wash.
I only have and use a glass cutting board for meat and poultry and another one for fruits and veggies and they immediately go into the dishwasher after being rinsed after use.
I guess I am more anal about tidiness and cleanliness than I ever was before. But I am also not having to work outside the home anymore, so I get the opportunity to focus my time on the house.
Todays project is removing godawful wallpaper in our son's bathroom.