Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 12:14 am
http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/PTGPOD/286038~Black-cat-on-top-of-Jack-o-lantern-Posters.jpgMeow, growl, meow.

The End of the Raven
This is what happen to edgar allen poe's raven
By Edgar Allen Poe's Cat

On a night quite unenchanting, when the rain was downward slanting, I awakened to the ranting of the man I catch mice for. Tipsy and a bit unshaven, in a tone I found quite craven, Poe was talking to a Raven perched above the chamber door. "Raven's very tasty," thought I, as I tiptoed o'er the floor, "There is nothing I like more"

Soft upon the rug I treaded, calm and careful as I headed Towards his roost atop that dreaded bust of Pallas I deplore. While the bard and birdie chattered, I made sure that nothing clattered, Creaked, or snapped, or fell, or shattered, as I crossed the corridor; For his house is crammed with trinkets, curios and wierd decor - Bric-a-brac and junk galore.

Still the Raven never fluttered, standing stock-still as he uttered, In a voice that shrieked and sputtered, his two cents' worth - "Nevermore."

While this dirge the birdbrain kept up, oh, so silently I crept up, Then I crouched and quickly lept up, pouncing on the feathered bore. Soon he was a heap of plumage, and a little blood and gore - Only this and not much more.

"Oooo!" my pickled poet cried out, "Pussycat, it's time I dried out! Never sat I in my hideout talking to a bird before; How I've wallowed in self-pity, while my gallant, valiant kitty Put and end to that damned ditty" - then I heard him start to snore. Back atop the door I clambered, eyed that statue I abhor, Jumped - and smashed it on the floor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 11:46 pm
Come on Aunt Clara I need your help with all this cooking for the party. I have done a few things, but there is still a lot to prepare.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/pus_pockets_270.jpgPus Pockets

Small pitta breads
Mozarella cheese
Tomato ketchup

1. Place a slice of mozarella cheese on a small pitta bread.
2. Microwave for about 10 seconds or until the cheese has melted enough to shape.
3. With a knife, cut a small slit in the pitta bread and push one end of the mozarrella into it. This gives the effect of pus oozing out.
4. Drizzle tomato ketchup down the sides of the cheese to make it look like it is oozing too!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/witch_blood_270.jpgWarm Witch's Blood

Cranberry juice
Apple juice
Orange juice
Teaspoon of cloves
Stick of cinnamon
Sugar to taste
Cubes of green jelly to garnish

1. Put all the ingredients into your 'cauldron'.
2. Bring to the boil.
3. Reduce heat and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
4. Mutter any magic words that you feel appropriate.
5. Serve in goblets and garnish with a cube of green jelly.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/witch_hands_270.jpgWarty Witch's Hand

To make four witches hands:
Four chicken breasts
Plain flour
One egg
Breadcrumbs made from four slices of bread
Pitted black olives, halved lengthwise

1. Cut the chicken breasts part way to make five fingers.
2. Dust the chicken in flour.
3. Dip in the egg.
4. Coat in breadcrumbs.
5. Grill for five minutes on each side.
6. Trim the 'fingertips' with olives for 'fingernails'.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/eyeball_potion_270.jpghttp://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/eyeball_potion_180.jpgEyeball Potion


Green jelly
Lemon sorbet
Jelly sweets
Black food colouring

1. Make the jelly, pour into a dish and leave to set.
2. Soak the jelly sweets in black food colouring and leave to 'dry'.
3. When the jelly has set, scoop out 8-12 balls to leave holes in which to put your sorbet.
4. Fill each hole with a ball of lemon sorbet.
5. Place a black jelly sweet on each ball of sorbet.
6. Serve straight away.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cambridgeshire/features/halloween/gory_grub/spiders_270.jpgScary Spiders In Blood Sauce

Quick cook spaghetti
Large button mushrooms
Red pepper
Tomato and basil pasta sauce
Black food colouring

1. Cook the spaghetti, adding black food colouring to the boiling water.
2. Meanwhile, grill the mushrooms, then dip them in black food colouring.
3. Cut two small slits in each mushroom and insert a small piece of red pepper into each slit to make eyes. These are the 'spiders' heads'.
4. Heat the tomato and basil sauce and place in a large bowl.
5. Add the black spaghetti to the sauce.
6. Arrange the 'spiders' heads' on top of the spaghetti.
7. Best to eat without looking.

More goodies:

Thanks for coming over to help me Aunt Clara. We still have more to do.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 12:02 am
http://www.harpiesbizarre.com/clara14.JPGJust stay close Samantha in case I forget any of the ingredients.


Best Ever Pumpkin Pie Recipe

1 3/4
cups canned pumpkin

1 3/4
cups sweetened condensed milk

large eggs, beaten

cup firmly packed light brown sugar

tablespoons sugar

1 1/4
teaspoons ground cinnamon

teaspoon salt

teaspoon ground ginger

teaspoon ground nutmeg

teaspoon ground cloves

9 inch pie shell, unbaked

Combine pumpkin and remaining ingredients in a large bowl; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer 2 minutes.

Pour into prepared piecrust.

Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.

Reduce heat to 350 degrees; bake 50 additional minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool on a wire rack.

http://familyfun.go.com/Resources/Features/recipes/special/0903_jello_frank.jpgFrank's Jell-O Monster


Black and red 3-D paint and brushes (scars and mouths); we used Scribbles and Tulip Slick brands
Ceramic plate
3-ounce box of Jell-O lime gelatin (makes 2 monsters)
9- or 10-ounce, 4-inch-tall clear plastic cup
Table knife or spoon
2 Maraschino cherries (eyes)
Double-sided tape
2 Rolos (neck bolts)
Crushed Oreos (enough for hair)


1. Paint scars and mouths on a ceramic plate as shown, right. Let them air-dry over night.

2. Prepare the gelatin according to the package directions. Pour slightly cooled gelatin into the cup, stopping 1/2 inch from the top.

3. Refrigerate until the gelatin is partially gelled, then remove the cup from the refrigerator and use a table knife or spoon handle to push two cherry eyes into the gelatin. Refrigerate again until the gelatin is completely set.

4. Use double-sided tape to attach the neck bolts. Peel the scars and mouths off the plate and place them on the cup (they'll adhere like Colorforms). If it's difficult to peel the shapes off the plate, stick the plate in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes, and they should come off easily. Variation: it may not look as cool as the paint, but kids can also use a permanent marker to draw the face on.

5. Cover the top of the gelatin with crushed-Oreos hair. Don't wait too long to gobble up the monsters, or the hair will get soggy.

http://familyfun.go.com/Resources/Features/recipes/special/0903_hwitch_broom.jpgMini Witch's Brooms


Roll of Fruit by the Foot
Thin pretzels


1. For each one, cut a 2-inch length from a roll of Fruit by the Foot.

2. With the shorter ends on the side, fringe the bottom of the strip (leaving a 1/4-inch border uncut along the top) to create thin broom bristles.

3. Then moisten the upper edge of the fruit with a drop of water and tightly wrap it around one end of a thin pretzel-stick broom handle.


More goodies:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 12:37 am
Another Classic Horror Story from our Horror Library.


Good Friend, for Jesus sake forbear to dig the dust enclosed here.

Good night for one of my stories. Ah yes, I shall read from Macbeth, the witches' spell.


Act IV, Scene 1
A cavern, In the middle, a boiling cauldron

Thunder-Enter the three Witches

lst Witch: Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.

2nd Witch: Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whin'd

3rd Witch: Harpier cries; 'tis time, 'tis time.

1st Witch: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.

All: Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

2nd Witch: Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the couldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizards's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

All: Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

3rd Witch: Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark;
Root of hemlock digg'd i' the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For th' ingredients or our couldron.

All: Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

2nd Witch: Cool it with baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

Enter Hecate, Speakes to the three Witches

Hecate: O, well done! I commend your pains;
And every one shall share i' th' gains:
And now about the cauldron sing,
Like elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that you put in.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 12:49 am


Skeleton Hero

There was an old witch who fell in a ditch
Who tried and tried to get out.
And there was a ghost who grabbed a post.
And he gave a little shout.

He tugged and tugged she couldn't get loose
Until a skeleton came by with a noose.
The skeleton put it around her neck
And pulled her up onto the deck.

Second Grade
Mrs. McCorkle's Class
Eupora Elementary School
Eupora, Mississippi


Each Halloween can bring Snakes bliss,
It's their special night to slink and hiss.
But for Sammy Snake this night turns hot
As he crawls around a witch's pot!

Silly Halloween Limericks

Mollie, by Golly

here was an old witch named Mean Molly

Who thought swooping kids was real jolly.
Her broom broke. Kersplat!
And she lost her black hat.
Now Molly is riding the trolley.

Booger Boo

Halloween witch was frenetic.

She feared it was something genetic.
They tested her sugar
And found a big booger.
They ruled she is snot diabetic.

Sweet Treats

ld Winnie and buddy Eeoyre

Have Halloween goodies galore.
The red eyeballs taste sweet
Wrapped in raw spider meat.
They're sold at the Gore and More Store.

Keith, the Halloween Wreath

big jack-o lantern named Keith

Was ashamed of his big old orange teeth.
He wrapped green round his head,
Had his teeth painted red.
And now silly Keith is a wreath.

Bell Free Bats

rankenstein went shopping to see

What the cost of black bats might be.
He wished them to dwell
In his Halloween Bell.
He now has bats in his bell free.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 01:13 am
One last classic.



Who dares disturbs me for a reading.

Hallowe'en in a Suburb

The steeples are white in the wild moonlight,
And the trees have a silver glare;
Past the chimneys high see the vampires fly,
And the harpies of the upper air,
That flutter and laugh and stare.

For the village dead to the moon outspread
Never shone in the sunset's gleam,
But grew out of the deep that the dead years keep
Where the rivers of madness stream
Down the gulfs to the pit of dream.

A chill wind weaves thro' the rows of sheaves
In the meadows that shimmer pale,
And comes to twine where the headstones shine
And the ghouls of the churyard wail
For the harvest that fly and fail.

Not a breath of the strange grey gods of change
That tore from the past its own
Can quicken this hour, when a spectral pow'r
Spreads deep o'er the cosmic throne
And looses the vast unknown.

So here again stretch the vale and plain
That moons long-forgotten saw,
And the dead leap gay in the pallid ray,
Sprung out of the tomb's black maw
To shake all the world with awe.

And all that the morn shall greet forlorn,
The ugliness and the pest
Of rows where thick rise the stone and brick,
Shall some day be with the rest,
And brood with the shades unblest.

Then wild in the dark let the lemurs bark,
And the leprous spires ascend;
For new and old alike in the fold
Of horror and death are pinn'd,
For the hounds of Time to rend.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 06:19 am
http://paranormal.about.com/library/graphics/girl_on_gravestone_lg.jpgNow a ghost herself, she sits on her grave, waiting for sweet William.

Thomas Percy (1729-1811)
Sweet William's Ghost

There came a ghost to Margaret's door,

With many a grievous grone,

And ay he tirled at the pin;

But answer made she none.

Is this my father Philip?

Or is't my brother John?

Or is't my true love Willie,

From Scotland new come home?

'Tis not thy father Philip;

Nor yet thy brother John:

But 'tis thy true love Willie,

From Scotland new come home.

O sweet Margret! O dear Margret!

I pray thee speak to mee:

Give me my faith and troth, Margret,

As I gave it to thee.

Thy faith and troth thou'se nevir get,

'Of me shalt nevir win,'

Till that thou come within my bower,

And kiss my cheek and chin.

If I should come within thy bower,

I am no earthly man:

And should I kiss thy rosy lipp,

Thy days will not be lang.

O sweet Margret, O dear Margret,

I pray thee speak to mee:

Give me my faith and troth, Margret,

As I gave it to thee.

Thy faith and troth thou'se nevir get,

'Of me shalt nevir win,'

Till thou take me to yon kirk yard,

And wed me with a ring.

My bones are buried in a kirk yard

Afar beyond the sea,

And it is but my sprite, Margret,

That's speaking now to thee.

She stretched out her lilly-white hand,

As for to do her best:

Hae there your faith and troth, Willie,

God send your soul good rest.

Now she has kilted her robes of green,

A piece below her knee:

And a' the live-lang winter night

The dead corps followed shee.

Is there any room at your head, Willie?

Or any room at your feet?

Or any room at your side, Willie,

Wherein that I may creep?

There's nae room at my head, Margret,

There's nae room at my feet,

There's no room at my side, Margret,

My coffin is made so meet.

Then up and crew the red red cock,

And up then crew the gray:

'Tis time, 'tis time, my dear Margret,

That you were gane away.

No more the ghost to Margret said,

But, with a grievous grone,

Evanish'd in a cloud of mist,

And left her all alone.

O stay, my only true love, stay,

The constant Margret cried:

Wan grew her cheeks, she clos'd her een,

Stretch'd her saft limbs, and died.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 08:04 am
My sleep was disturb by grave robbers. I shall have no peace until I receive my burial ceremony again. Then, I'm not sure if they will be accepted in the Other World. Anyway, if not, I will go with my brother the mummy to the Halloween party.

The Other World
From the Book of the Dead

Here are cakes for thy body,
Cool water for thy throat,
Sweet breezes for thy nostrils,
And thou art satisfied.

No longer dost thou stumble
Upon thy chosen path,
From thy mind all evil
And darkness fall away.

Here by the river,
Drink and bathe thy limbs,
Or cast thy net, and surely
It shall be filled with fish.

The holy cow of Hapi
Shall give thee of her milk,
The ale of gods triumphant
Shall be thy daily draught.

White linen is thy tunic,
Thy sandals shine with gold;
Victorious thy weapons,
That death come not again.

Now upon the whirlwind
Thou followest thy Prince,
Now thou hast refreshment
Under the leafy tree.

Take wings to climb the zenith,
Or sleep in Fields of Peace;
By day the Sun shall keep thee,
By night the rising Star.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 08:13 am
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/MiscletoeArrow/crypt.jpgThank you, to all those friends that entertained those that were making preparations for the coming party.

Tomorrow the other party guests will start arriving. Some will sing, or tell jokes, there will be plenty of dancing, and merry making. Ladies be careful with Jack the ripper when you are dancing. Twisted Evil hehehe
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 10:54 pm
The guest are arriving hehehe, and my Mistress is welcoming them.

I will set my table here, and wait for the guest to arrive. Welcome, welcome one, and all. Our band has arrived.


http://www.hipmagazine.com/mad2.jpgSing along with us Exclamation

With music:

Over the Graveyard

Over the graveyard and through the tombs,
To the haunted house we go.
The ghosts are a fright,
This spooky night
So come and join the show.

Over the graveyard and through the tombs,
Just hear the dreadful cries,
The banshees howl,
The black cats yowl,
Their shrieking fills the skies.

Over the graveyard and through the tombs,
Where all the goblins meet,
Witches and ghouls
They are no fools,
They all yell, "Trick or Treat."

Over the graveyard and through the tombs,
The jack-o-lanterns gleam.
Bats fill the skies,
With glowing eyes,
Hooray! It's Halloween!

(Repeat last two verses.)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 11:13 pm

GR: "Frank, let me take you with me tonight?"

FS: "Why Grim?"

GR: "So I won't have to collect souls for a month."

FS: "huhhuhhuh"

GR: "grgrgr"

FS: "No Grim"

GR: "Why not Frank?"

FS: "Because, when I reincarnate, I will be separated from myself."

GR: "grgrgr"

FS: "huhhuhhuh" (©10/24/05 AngeliqueEast)


Why are you leaving Jack?

Because nobody wants to dance with me, or look at my new shiny blades.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 11:32 pm
I want to sing, so sing along with me.

Boo! Boo! Boo! What Will We Do?

All through the town floats monsters' breath,
Screams of horror, hints of death.
Down all the streets come the girls and boys
All dressed up for their haunting joys.

Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do?
Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do? Ooo
Try to enjoy this scary scene
And just relax, 'cause it's Halloween!!

Witches and goblins now fill the air,
Spiders crawl across your hair!
And every place that you try to hide
Soon there's a ghostie there by your side.

Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do?
Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do? Ooo
Try to enjoy this scary scene
And just relax, 'cause it's Halloween!!

There is a chill about this night
Your head starts ting-a-ling with fright.
In jack-o-lanterns' eerie glow
The vampires now start swooping low.

Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do?
Boo! Boo! Boo! What will we do? Ooo
Try to enjoy this scary scene
And please come back next Halloween!!

I want to sing to that special someone.

I Put A Spell On You
Jay Hawkins

I put a spell on you

Because you're mine

Stop the things you do


I ain't lyin'


I can't stand no running around

I can't stand no putting me down

I put a spell on you

Because you're mine, oh yeah

sax solo

Stop the things you do


I ain't lyin'


I love you. I love you. I love you anyhow

I don't care if you don't want me

I'm yours right now

I put a spell on you

Because you're mine

Oh, yeah

(lots of snoring & growling)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 11:52 pm
Sing with meee, hehehe

Monstar Mash
Bobby "Boris" Pickett

I was working in the lab late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the mash
He did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the monster mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolf Man
Dracula and his son

The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five"

They played the mash
They played the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash
It caught on in a flash
They played the mash
They played the monster mash

Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist
And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"

It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash
The monster mash
And it's a graveyard smash
It's now the mash
It's caught on in a flash
It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash

Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my monster mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you

Then you can mash
Then you can monster mash
The monster mash
And do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash
You'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash
Then you can monster mash

http://www.usatoday.com/life/gallery/scarymovies/dracula.jpg I want to read a poem for you.

Trick OR Trick

Wise jack-o-lanterns who have seen
The haunting horrors of Halloween,
Force smiles, while peering through scared eyes
To look on beasts that terrorize.

They see the gore, they see the fright
That fills each street on this dark night.
The shadows move, then screams and sighs,
Vile vampires bring blood curdling cries.

While witches brew with monkey brains,
Huge spiders fight for scarce remains.
Ghosts and goblins start the dance
That puts wierd zombies in a trance.

They dance the famous Monster Mash,
All acting tough and talking trash.
Then mold into a crowd so mean,
It just gets worse each Halloween.

So, trick or treaters, listen well,
This warning jack-o-lanterns tell:
"If THEY come, just run home quick!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 11:24 am

http://www.terrorsyndicate.com/images/props1998/props1998_21.jpgCome everyone sing with me:


She'll Be Riding on a Broomstick

She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.
She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.
She'll be riding on a broomstick
She'll be riding on a broomstick
She'll be riding on a broomstick when she comes.

We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.
We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.
We will warm up the big black kettle
We will warm up the big black kettle
We will warm up the big black kettle when she comes.

She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders
She will cook small toads and spiders when she comes.

We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins.
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins
We will feed all the ghosts and goblins when she comes.

I'm going to read a poem, and you better like it, grrrrrrrrrr.

Charles Simic
Mummy's Curse

Befriending an eccentric young woman
The sole resident of a secluded Victorian mansion.
She takes long walks in the evening rain,
And so do I, with my hair full of dead leaves.

In her former life, she was an opera singer.
She remembers the rich Neapolitan pastries,
Points to a bit of fresh whipped cream
Still left in the corner of her lower lip,
Tells me she dragged a wooden cross once
Through a leper town somewhere in India.

I was born in Copenhagen, I confide in turn.
My father was a successful mortician.
My mother never lifted her nose out of a book.
Arthur Schopenhauer ruined our happy home.
Since then, a day doesn't go by without me
Sticking a loaded revolved inside my mouth.

She had walked ahead of me and had turned
Like a lion tamer, towering with a whip in hand.
Luckily, in that moment, the mummy sped by
On a bicycle carrying someone's pizza order
And cursing the mist and the potholes.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 11:37 am
I have a poem for you. I really did not want to read this, but, anyway here goes.

"A young man is afraid of his demon and puts his hand
over the demon's mouth sometimes..."-- D. H. Lawrence

Anne Sexton

I mentioned my demon to a friend
and the friend swam in oil and came forth to me
greasy and cryptic
and said,
"I'm thinking of taking him out of hock.
I pawned him years ago."

Who would buy?
The pawned demon,
Yellowing with forgetfulness
and hand at his throat?
Take him out of hock, my friend,
but beware of the grief
that will fly into your mouth like a bird.

My demon,
too often undressed,
too often a crucifix I bring forth,
too often a dead daisy I give water to
too often the child I give birth to
and then abort, nameless, nameless...

Oh demon within,
I am afraid and seldom put my hand up
to my mouth and stitch it up
covering you, smothering you
from the public voyeury eyes
of my typewriter keys.
If I should pawn you,
what bullion would they give for you,
what pennies, swimming in their copper kisses
what bird on its way to perishing?

I accept you,
you come with the dead who people my dreams,
who walk all over my desk
(as in Mother, cancer blossoming on her
Best & Co. tits--
waltzing with her tissue paper ghost)
the dead, who give sweets to the diabetic in me,
who give bolts to the seizure of roses
that sometimes fly in and out of me.
I accept you, demon.
I will not cover your mouth.
If it be man I love, apple laden and foul
or if it be woman I love, sick unto her blood
and its sugary gasses and tumbling branches.

Demon come forth,
even if it be God I call forth
standing like a carrion,
wanting to eat me,
starting at the lips and tongue.
And me wanting to glide into His spoils,
I take bread and wine,
and the demon farts and giggles,
at my letting God out of my mouth
anonymous woman
at the anonymous altar.


http://www.terrorsyndicate.com/images/props1998/props1998_23.jpg I'll tell you some jokes if you get me a chair? hehehe

Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road?
It had no guts...

How do monsters tell their future?
They read their horrorscope...hehehe

What do ghosts add to their morning cereal?

What does a ghost get when he falls and scrapes his knee?
A boo boo...hehehe
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 11:46 am
I'mmm goiiing to siiing for youuu.

The Twelve Houses of Halloween
(to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas)

At the First House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 2nd House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 3rd House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 4th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 5th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 6th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 6th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 7th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 8th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
8 Phantoms Screaming
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 9th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
9 Vampires Chewing
8 Phantoms Screaming
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 10th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
10 Witches Brewing
9 Vampires Chewing
8 Phantoms Screaming
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 11th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
11 Black Cats Yowling
10 Witches Brewing
9 Vampires Chewing
8 Phantoms Screaming
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!

At the 12th House on Halloween
a monster gave to me
12 Werewolves Howling
11 Black Cats Yowling
10 Witches Brewing
9 Vampires Chewing
8 Phantoms Screaming
7 Mummies Dreaming
6 Spines a-Tingling
4 Jack-o-Lanterns
3 Spider Webs
2 Scary Ghosts
and an Old Hoot Owl in a Dead Tree!


I have a poem for you *howwwl* Kinda of a love poem. We need love too. I'm cuddly you know *howwwl*

By Lilly Penhaligan


As we race together under the full moon
Your hunger calls to me.
Like the first mortals we are unique,
Original, the parents of a new race.
And yet - we look like them in the daytime.

In the dark we stalk our prey,
I am the swiftest,
And I will feed our young while you
Stand by to protect us.

When you bite the back of my neck I submit,
Like a good bitch, to your superior strength.
But know this; I am the one who brings home
The food that you eat,
I am the one that follows, but leads.

I hold your paws as they change to fingers.
Transition crackles through our remolding flesh
Painfully forced with the coming dawn.

In the morning, I guard you when you sleep,
We are exhausted but I cannot rest.
Our love has swollen my belly,
And I wait, wondering, will this
Baby be man or wolf?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 01:45 pm
Awesome, where do you find all this stuff?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 01:52 pm
jespah wrote:
Awesome, where do you find all this stuff?

Hello jespah, glad you like it. I read the cards a lot (*giggles*).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 01:58 pm
I understand my fortune is inside straight. Hmmm.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 01:59 pm
Dear Madam Angelique,

What do you see in the cards for me this Halloween?
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