Fri 21 Oct, 2005 11:51 am
I receive a quarterly newsletter/magazine thingy from my previous colleges. In these reports are always class updates. Alumni can write in about their most recent accomplishments, marriages, kids, etc. Supposedly, these notes are to keep one updated own their classmates. I really think it is for those that want to say, "Nah, nah, I'm doing better than you! Look I was promoted to King for a day!"
I am thinking of adding my own accomplishment. What do you think would really impress my classmates? I don't mind embellishing a bit.
Tell them you were promoted to manager at the fast food joint and get to wear the blue paper hat.
I knew you would come up with a great one Gus. I think that would impress the h*ll out of them.
Tell them you missed the last reunion because you were hiking in Tibet.
you could always tell 'em you are the All-Being of Time, Space and Dimension.
(would be tough to top...)
Yeah those are good ideas. But I do have one that could be actually true and proved - just for those that may try to prove me wrong.
My husband owns a business - currently it is doing nothing as we kept the company only to help keep payment of taxes lower when my husband does contract work. I am currently the treasurer (title only - no pay). I will demand my husband give me a huge promotion or no sex.
What should my new title be - that we definately cause envy of my former classmates, while still being a realistic title? And how should I describe this promotion?
you are technically chief finacial officer
Funny thing djjd is that I typically prepare monthly reports for CFO/CEOs within my company.
You have realized the superiority of the White Race and have started your very own local Nazi cell.
Over time, you trained yourself to become the world's greatest breakdancer.
I will demand my husband give me a huge promotion or no sex.
Your own suggestion,which is high class prostitute,should impress them I should have thought.
Interesting gargamelÂ…that might just work.
I do like your thinking Phoenix.
Spendius - I prefer the term call girl.