Fri 21 Oct, 2005 09:59 am
As I write this I am entrenched in the creepy beautiful ironic world of Angelo Badalamenti, composer of the scores of many David Lynch Films. Right now I am listening to music from Twin Peaks. It is so lovely and overdone, takes me to that weird fourth dimensional caricature of the gray North. And it is overcast outside, which makes it even better.
I also have the soundtrack from The Straight Story, which is very string-oriented. Absolutely gorgeous.
Anyone else into this guy? Any further recommendations? I want more of his stuff.
Is that a creepy midget dancing in my living room?
all i really know is the twin peaks stuff, and i love it
Yeah. I was thinking about getting the soundtrack to "Fire Walk With Me."
On one website someone described the music as "horror jazz." I like that term.