Tue 18 Oct, 2005 05:04 pm
I'd like to take advantage of Yahoo's Email storage, but the menu doesn't work on my units (microsoft and LinspireOS), However, the news part and other elements of My Yahoo appear to be alright.
I am using DSL; but I believe I had the same problems with SurfBest, etc.
I presently use Gmail for friends and family, Myway for business. Then I pop in Hotmail and Yahoo Email addresses for the ever pertinent, "What is your Email address?" on articles forwarded, etc.
email working for me right now
I dunno Maple I now have so many emails I forget what goes where sometimes.
Now Husk, you're not as old as me (65)...I forget a lot. Have you found the downtime to illness (less practice, more pills) a detriment to remembering? Frankly, I try to keep an updated list of this and that; otherwise, I"m lost.
no lists for me yet - lots of trial and error - i trying to remember which email I used for myspace - lol and user name lol
Can't figure out what the problem is. Can't you just create a yahoo email account and mail stuff to yourself?
When I travel to Atlanta and visit our son and thus his computer, I can access and operate the menus on both my Hotmail and Yahoo accounts.
Do you think I should drop my Yahoo account and then create a new one?
By the way, do any of you folks use a Yahoo account? Any problems?
Several yahoo accounts. Never a problem with them, beyond slight networking glitches that happen with anything.
Letty was having problems with her Yahoo account last night.
It was slow yesterday, that's true., I'll try another Yahoo account and see whether I have the same problems.