Tue 11 Oct, 2005 04:49 pm
any ideas of how far robert jordan is planning on going with the series of the wheel of time, and or when the 11th book is due out?
The new installment of Wheel of Time comes out next week.
If it were the final volume, I'm sure there would have been some buzz about that. I'm guessing that once we've absorbed No. XI, we'll be waiting, waiting, waiting for No. XII.
i just wondered if any one knew how far he was planning on going
Judging from the plot strands Jordan has hanging in Volume X he could finish up in Volume XII or.....
His spread-out publishing schedule is alienating some established readers and the number of volumes is enough to discourage some beginning readers.
We shall see.
From a Robert Jordan website maintained by fans:
Quote:Hi all,
I just got back from the signing at the B&N store in Warwick, RI.
My wife and I arrived at about 11:45am, about 45 minutes before the signing, we were the fifth people in line. The booksellers had some minor issues setting up a sound system after about 15 minutes of playing with the feedback machine one made the comment that they hoped he had a "booming" voice. They announced him and he came in and before sitting down ran through a brief pronunciation guide. He had a wry smile on his face as he went through the litany.
While the booksellers said only hardcovers, the person in front of me had the comic and when Mr. Jordan saw it he turned and said "I am going to need a sharpy for this." One was produced and after signing the cover he informed the person to let it dry otherwise it would smear. He was also adding small personalization if the person wanted. Once person asked about a rumor that there would be a 13th book and he stood up and addressed the line. He informed us that the next book would be the last book for this "story", it might be a 2,000 page hard cover that you need a luggage cart to get out of the bookstore but it will be the last one. He also mentioned that after the last book he is considering two more prequels but I got the impression that he was not completely committed to both of them.
All in all it was a good signing. I got both of my books signed and a chance to tell him thank you.
My copy of
Knife of Dreams arrived yesterday and the first half of the book is liberally salted with omens and portents that
Tarmon Gai'don, The Last Battle, is coming soon.
Oh. Here I thought the thread was going to be about Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. My bad.
Merry Andrew--
Highbrows is highbrows and lowbrows is us--or me, anyway.
I am a woman who relishes alternative universes, particularly when this weary world becomes overwhelming.
Incidently, "Robert Jordan" is a pen name garnered from For Whom the Bell Tolls
Undoubtedly Papa's grave is showing signs of a-typical frost heave.
So happy to be enlightened, Noddy. Truth to tell (and I say this shamefacedly as I'm not above reading pulp fiction) but I've never heard of this real life Robt. Jordan fella.
Merry Andrew--
Robert Jordan has created the
Wheel of Time fantasy saga, a twelve volume (plus prequel) epic with hundreds--if not thousands--of characters.
Each book is between 600 and 800 pages and the story (with at least seven main plot lines) isn't a serial, but a single adventure.
well it is with wonder and sadness that i hear that the wheel of time is coming to an end however i shall remain hopefull that it is born again within mylife time, though i must render to the fact, that it is just my own hopes. the last syllabus of recorded time.... quick, bright things come to confusion....
...nothing lasts forever.
Book 11 is out, and has been long enough for me to read it. The plot thickens, but there is no way he can wrap up all the lose ends in just one more volume, as promised.
Unofficial sources say that the series will be on a total of 14 books, wich is more realistic to me.
But for those of you who haven't read "knife of dreams", get on it. It's probably one of the most exciting in some time.
Remember, everyone will be congregating for the Last Battle.
If Jordan can refrain from introducing new characters with mini-sub plots the loose ends might be manageable.
the end of the series
there was a post on the official site, saying that there will be 12 books in the Wheel of Time, with 3 prequils, two of which still need to be wrtten. however, if Jordan decides to push back book 12 for another bloody prequil, i'm driving down to the Carolina's and demanding some sort of compensation.... I CANNA WAIT ANY LONGER!
psychedelicpeacock --
Welcome to A2K.
I remember that several years ago Tor, Jordan's publisher, locked him in a hotel suite with his editor until he made the third or fourth extension of his deadline to submit a finished book.
Unfortunately, right now, Our Revered Author is crossing the country promoting his most recent book. Cross your fingers that mid-January will see him back at his word processor.
Hmm, this looks interesting. I've read something by Robert Jordan before, but I can't recall what it was offhand. What other stuff has he written?
Nothing else that I am aware of
Quote: Get pricing and availability through our links to online stores, or click on a title to get more information and buying options.
1980. Fallon Blood, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1981. Fallon Pride, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1982. Conan the Invincible (Amazon - Alibris)
1982. Fallon Legacy, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1983. Conan the Defender (Amazon - Alibris)
1983. Conan the Triumphant (Amazon - Alibris)
1984. Conan the Destroyer (Amazon - Alibris)
1984. Conan the Magnificent (Amazon - Alibris)
1984. Conan the Victorious (Amazon - Alibris)
1986. Conan the Unconquered (Amazon - Alibris)
1990. Eye of the World (Amazon - Alibris)
1990. Hunt Begins, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1991. Dragon Reborn, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1992. Shadow Rising (Amazon - Alibris)
1993. Fires of Heaven, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1994. Lord of Chaos (Amazon - Alibris)
1996. Crown of Swords, A (Amazon - Alibris)
1997. World of Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time, The (Amazon - Alibris)
1998. Path of Daggers, The (Amazon - Alibris)
2000. Winter's Heart (Amazon - Alibris)
2001. Cheyenne Raiders (Amazon - Alibris)
2002. From the Two Rivers (Amazon - Alibris)
2002. Prophecies of the Dragon (Amazon - Alibris)
2002. To the Blight (Amazon - Alibris)
2003. Crossroads of Twilight (Amazon - Alibris)
2004. Further Chronicles of Conan, The (Amazon - Alibris)
2004. New Spring (A Wheel of Time Prequel Novel) (Amazon - Alibris)
2004. New Threads in the Pattern (Amazon - Alibris)
2005. Knife of Dreams (Amazon - Alibris)
Thanks to:
"Robert Jordan" is a pen name. Under his own name he's published several historical novels.
Robert Jordan gossip from the December, 2005, issue of Locus:
Robert Jordan, who has lost 100 pounds since last year....confessed that the books will probably not follow his lead. The Wheels of Time will finish in a longer-than-usual volume that may have to be shipped individually by truck with an encylopedia stand for each copy. (He told us this dead pan so we're not quite sure he was joking.)
The Jordan interview will be published in the March, 2006, issue of Locus.