ehBeth wrote:and you look marvellous!
how do your knees fell?
I see the ferry to Rochester most Saturday and Sundays when the dogs and I are at the beach. I keep saying I'm going to take the ferry over - but I wouldn't wanna be out there on a windy day like today. <you don't get seasick do you?>
Why yes...yes I DO get seasick! I wouldn't take the damn thing in the winter anyway though, would you? Maybe if I'm stil there in the spring I'll go for a little visit, although I hope I'm living somewhere tropical by then.
My knees fell well.
Sweet! 2-1 now, thanks to Sheffield's hit!
Hey, I just noticed something. Once there is another post after yours, you can't go back and edit anymore. When the hell did that happen? I just spelled the word "still" wrong in that earlier post, and I want to fix it! Damn, that is going to be very annoying.
Ya ever play "Bob"?
<did I play too many drinking games in university?

the change to the edit function was announced in the Announcements forum about a week ago.
You're just noticing this? While you were away, they rearranged the seats...
no kidding, see announcements in the Forum Index.
We are all caught in amber now, more so than before.
ehBeth wrote:Ya ever play "Bob"?
<did I play too many drinking games in university?

I never played "Bob" Is that the Bob Newhart game?
I can't believe it, but yes, I AM just noticing this damn new edit thing. What the hell? I don't want to be imperfect!!!
Yup, the Bob Newhart game.
I once thought that a Mary Tyler Moore version would be better for you. Rhoda and Mary and all that.
Okay, now I'm feeling really pretty drunk. My gut feels like an oversoaked sponge, my eyes are in and out of focus, I feel like I'm producing more spit than normal, and I want a shot of something really strong.
Hmmmm...don't I have some 151 rum in my cupboard somewhere?
ah, pool of vomit coming up!
ehBeth, that makes me sad. I wish I had the Mary and Rhoda problems again...
colorbook, thanks for the link. Crap, I guess I'll have to live with this new development, just like I've learned to live with how the site is ridiculously slow and the server goes down at least once or twice a day...
Will you have a computer when you move?
Since I will be living with my parents for the next two months, I will have some limited access to their computer, but it's dial-up and I probably will only be able to get on for a small window of time each day. After the holidays, we'll see.
ossobuco wrote:You need to lie down....
I disagree. I think I need to get up! And go out! Or something.
Maybe you could go over to Ray's?
Take some pix there. I think your mood is just right for that.
Ray moved to Florida. Yeah, maybe I should go over to Ray's.
Wait, do you mean Ray, my friend, or Ray Bari, the pizza place?
errrrr, I didn't know Ray was your friend.
I meant the pizza place that you took those winter pictures of from your window. Get some inside shots to go with those outside shots. For your "memories of New York" gallery.