We are clearly watching someone who did NOT make his school's boat-racing team.
C'mon kicky, you can do better.
<slam slam slam>
Hit the next one.
Oh, a challenge, eh...beth?
<runs to the fridge for another>
Thankfully you didn't get this idea in the Houston game today. We'd be calling an ambulance for you in a few innings.
I went to a game once that lasted 14 innings...if you drink that many beers, will you still be able to follow the game?
Oh, actually, I did come up with it during that game. But luckily I had the foresight to see that it would greatly detract from my enjoyment of this game if I started this experiment that early.
I seem to be smiling for no reason now...hmmm...I like this feeling...warm...buzzzzzzeeee...
colorbook, I'm pretty sure that if I drink that many beers, I will end up on the floor with vomit puddling around my face.
At least you don't have to go to work tomorrow.
Yes, thankfully I'm out of the work game for now. I'm a f*cking bum, and I like it!
I believe, however, that I will definitely sob uncontrollably as I pull away from NYC in my rental truck in two weeks...
I relate to all this. I am also presently out of work, and am enjoying it greatly for moments at time.
I may or may not sob when I leave my present city, admit that I may, but I already did my main sobbing when I left Venice, CA. I will probably be way cool when I drive from here.
New York, that deserves screaming in the car, absolutely.
I suppose you can't sublet your apartment, Kicky...
Okay, next!
Glugglugglugglugglugglugglugglugglug...aaaaaaahhhhhh...yeah, bitch beer! You can't beat me!!! Okay, so what's that...four? Sheesh, this is getting tough...
Is it time for another beer yet?
Lemme know when you get to Rochester, Kix. I'll go to the beach and wave.
ossobuco wrote:I relate to all this. I am also presently out of work, and am enjoying it greatly for moments at time.
I may or may not sob when I leave my present city, admit that I may, but I already did my main sobbing when I left Venice, CA. I will probably be way cool when I drive from here.
New York, that deserves screaming in the car, absolutely.
I suppose you can't sublet your apartment, Kicky...
It's all a foregone conclusion now. I have decided I'm leaving, and I'll be gone in two weeks. If I focus only on the leaving NYC aspect, I want to cry, but you know, once I leave I think things will be okay, really. I hope. I really hope so.
ehBeth wrote:Is it time for another beer yet?
Lemme know when you get to Rochester, Kix. I'll go to the beach and wave.
You got it, my friend. Have you heard about or been on that new ferry they have from Rochester to Toronto?
I'm not following the game, just here watching you get drunk...so what's the score?
I'm thinking I should go out and see if I can get hit by a cab, since this damn game sucks.
and you look marvellous!
how do your knees fell?
I see the ferry to Rochester most Saturday and Sundays when the dogs and I are at the beach. I keep saying I'm going to take the ferry over - but I wouldn't wanna be out there on a windy day like today. <you don't get seasick do you?>
Yankees are losing 2-0 in the bottom of the sixth...they ain't hittin'!