Wed 5 Oct, 2005 09:09 am
I am not sure if i should place this in finance or computers...
But my question is , what microsoft program allows you to create a finance book.. or outline?
I have seen suggestions on the bank web pages I have hunted through trying to find some suggestions.. that you can create one on your computer that allows you to just plug in the amount of money you want and it will do the adding and subtracting for you.. OR give you a space to deligate the money too.
yeah, im sorry.. that is a very vague question.
I am looking for a program that will allow me to keep track of the money I am making and give me a way to break down the income to cover expences. Show me what percentage of income goes to supplies, and necessities. ane help me to keep track of and guess the projected income given the current situation.
Sort of like a spread sheet I guess..?
"Quicken" by Intuit, and "Money" by Microsoft, are personal financial software packages. Both have budgeting capabilities, I believe.
"QuickBooks" by Intuit is an accounting package for businesses.
Wow.. great!
3 to pick from.
Thanks for that.
I take it these are software packages sold at stores and not downloads?
I've used Quicken and liked that in the past.
is it user friendly?
Im not computer IL-literate
but savvy.. isnt a word to describe me either..
All that I mentioned can be purchased at a store. I would call the first two "user-friendly." Quickbooks is a little more involved, but not too difficult.
I'm not aware of any good shareware programs (downloadable), but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.
I think you could do either one Money or Quicken
if I were buying a new version it would be quicken.
I personally don't like any money managing system. I developed my own with excel.
I love Quicken. Very easy to use. I also use Excel, instead of a checkbook register ('cause I'd just use up the registers way before it was time to order new checks).