Fortune telling--even if you have to use a Magic Eight Ball.
AWW..AWW...AWW...(Getting all EXCITED) I LOVE that IDEA CHAI!!! LOL
We have a meat hangin' pole that would work just wonderful for that idea!!!!!!
I was thinkin' whips and chains!
Noddy: I like the Magic Eight Ball Idea...and its getting close to Halloween. Maybe play with a Oujia
There was one game that a friend told me about...
You give each lady a piece of paper and a pen, with an envelope. Each one has to write down a deep dark secret...
You mix up the envelopes and either pass them out to another lady or you have one common holder of them.
After the night passes some....and a lil drinking has gotten take turns opening the letters.
IF what was written on the piece of paper is something that you HAVE DONE...YOU DRINK!
If you've got a creative bunch melt either wax or lead until liquid.
Then drop a bit of the molten material into icy water.
Supposedly the wax or lead will form a shape that indicates what is coming in the future.
Treasure hunt - everyone contributes a little luxury item (chocolate, a scarf, fancy soap etc>) Wrap them real pretty and hide them around the camp grounds. Give people clues and aflash light to find the little goodies.
get a really corny , trashy , just this side of porn romance novel.
While everyone is sitting in a circle, one takes a turn reading a few chapters.
If they stumble over a words, they drink
If the forget to talk in character.. they drink
if they blush.. they drink
if they DO all of the above CORRECTLY.. everyone else drinks
invite this guy
make him dance and who ever pokes him with a septer and makes him squeal, gets a drink!!
Jello wrestling.
Underwear pillow fighting championship.
Hide the silver bullet.
Vaseline wrestling.
Naked Twister.
Makeout competition.
HEHEHE, I'm thinkin' we could hand Slappy from the meat pole....HOOOO "YEAH!!!!!! LOL
Yeahhh...we've had talk about the male strippers...but...(there's always a but) We got men that will come back and forth through camp...and I could see the **** that would happen with that! LOL
I'd never be allowed to go, but that might not be a bad thing anyways....
No problem. Just dress Slappy in some drag. The guys will never suspect it and the women will know. Then he can entertain you with his fun party games and, after some drinks, maybe more......
Just ask Littlek....she knows ALL about it.
Ladies Night was FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!!!!
We had some fun....we had a few therapy sessions before the night was over...and of course, we ALL LOVE ONE ANOTHER!! LOL
What fun we had....
It ended up being 15 ladies in all...looked like Tent City set up on the pipeline. We smoke Brisquet and a Turkey...all the fixings to go along with it.
All the booze any one sane person could stand....
We had our onlookers that had to come through to "check" on us..hehe That was usually a good laugh before it was over with. A bunch of drunk women sitting around a fire in Tiara's and Feather Boa's...
(Snicker Snicker)
We throughly enjoyed cat fights, no one getting
Even though we did have one that was going through a separation with her husband, we had to have a therapy session with Alot of cussin' and discussin'.......
Night turned into the A.M and we were still going...I went to bed sometime after 3 a.m and left 2 or 3 still up...who stayed up till about 5 a.m.
When I went to bed....the tent they were going to sleep in, THAT was in the pipeline at that moment, to turn around and find when I got up, it had been moved to the fire...LOL Dangerously close to it, I might add. But atleast they were all toasty and warm...
To say the least...I got up before join one other one sitting by the "Cod roaster" of a fire we had left...LOL It wasn't long, the men starting rolling in to "Check" on us I soppose we were a sight to behold.....
Chicken feathers, a few tiara's throwed on the ground. Hell, they even found a few feather boa's about 500 yards from camp on top of the hill...LOL One man come draggin' it back to me....ROTF
BUT IT WAS FUN..........
A couple of the highlights of the night...
* One man decided that the beer and bourbon wasn't enough alcohol for us. So he comes draggin' in a Quart of Moonshine to share with us about 1 a.m...... OMG, a few sips and some of the ladies started dropping like flies........(proud I wasn't one of
*In every get one of those ladies that will dance by herself...LMAO Lets just say the ground and her didn't agree...we had to pick her up and dust her off a time or two...her friend decided after the second bounce that it was time for her to go to bed. She kept half of camp up snoring the rest of the night...LMAO LOUDLY, I might add!
About 4 a.m, I was awakened to a growling noise...a low grrrll sound. Curiousity got the best of I had to look. I honestly thought it was the bear that comes into camp and I wanted a look at him/her. Well, I couldn't find the bear. So.........I dozed back off. To finally find the damn bear about daylight..when SHE went to growling again...LOL It was one of the ladies that was in the tent by the fire...hehehehe, she'd let out this moan everynow and then that had everyone through the night thinking we had a bear in camp. We laughed at her....and will give her HELL over it. We've nicknamed her BOO BOO....
And of course, we had a few ladies that couldn't hang....and had to go The thought of being bear bait in the middle of the night had them looking for their own beds. LOL We even had two that slept in their
Which brings to mind...LOL My best friend that joined us at camp, decided she was going to sleep in my Tahoe. So...she did. Well, when I got ready to go to bed, I put all the food in the truck, and rolled up the windows. I left one cracked, by The meat that was smoked, I laid up on the dash (not thinking about it) all wrapped up. Morning come, and she accused me of baiting her...lmao
"Yea...put the meat in there with me and leave the window rolled down...uhhhuhh, I seen what you were doing! You just wanted him to try to pick me off...LOL"
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, all was well.
Come to find out, a few of the men was camping at the other end of the pipeline from us, ummm, probably 6 or 7 of them. They told me this afternoon that we were a LOUD bunch..LOL (they were a mile away) That every now and then the noise from our camp would filter down the pipeline and they could hear That everytime they would hear us giggling and roaring with laughter, that it would crack them up.
I guess thats why afterwards, they'd show They couldn't stand it and had to see what was going on....LMAO
I wish I could have joined you.
Noddy, I wish YOU could have too...that would have been so much fun!!!!
How about in a few months? LOL
Were talking about doing this every month....but its just talk for right now.
BUT...if not every could be an annual thing...and YES Ma' all means.........please join us!!!
What a vivid description of your ladies night out, MMS,
it feels like I've been there too. I always think of
the "Yah-Yah Sisterhood" book, when I read your stories.
It also reminds me of the fishing trip we (about 12 girls) took
many moons ago.
Ohhh Calamity!!! How funny, thats what we call ourselves...the "Ya-Ya's"
I have one friend that calls me and tells me.."Hey..we have a Ya-Ya mission!" And away we
Its funny though..out of the 15 ladies that were there...were all connected in one way or the other. I am friends with all of them, but two or three might be best of friends, and another few...but were all connected to each other through a common friendship..if not some closer one than others.
It was a good time...even therapuetic to some extent.
LOL, I oughta start a thread called, "Ya-Ya stories"...I could tell some things that would make ya wonder if I had any sanity