That's not an uncommon glitch, and most frequently results from either a corrupt index.dat file and/or a cache problem in your particular user profile. Its usually pretty easy to correct.
In Internet Explorer go to >Tools>Internet Options>"General" tab>Temporary Internet files, click "Delete Files", select "Delete all offline content" in the next dialog box, confirm, and click "OK", then, under "History", click "Clear History", confirm you wish to delete all items in your History folder, and click "OK". Close Internet Explorer. Log off Windows.
Log back on using the account of a fully-privileged user who does not experience the problem, or
boot into safemode as Administrator, and then open a command prompt (Start>Run> type, without the quotes, "cmd", and click "OK" or hit
ENTER). At the blinking cursor in the black-and-white command box that opens, change the directory to the following path:
<Your root drive, usually C>:\Documents and Settings\<your username here>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5, and type, without the quotes, "
del index.dat" (observe the case and word spacing in the path, and the space between "del" and "index.dat"), and then hit
ENTER. Exit the command prompt by typing, without the quotes, "
exit" and hitting
ENTER, then restart the computer, booting normally.
Lemme know what happens, or if those instructions aren't clear (I'm a lousy teacher), but I think that oughtta do it for you.
For more info, see this
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article and its related links.