I was listening to KPPC and KMET in '67 - '68, not so sure of specific tracts.
LOL, give me the 70's for a Thousand.
I have a book about what happened in 1968 - one of those things marketed to one's birth year. It seemed a volitile year.
It was a big year for sure.
Well, this is creepy. I can't find much on the protest march in century city, that I wasn't at since I didn't know about it.
Wasn't a small thing at the time, I was just busy.
littlek wrote:I have a book about what happened in 1968 - one of those things marketed to one's birth year. It seemed a volitile year.
It sure was, lk. My brother was an MP in the army and was sent to Chicago during the Democratic national convention to help with the riots. It was a very ugly scene. That was only one of the volitile episodes that was going on.
and that one was ugly from many points of view.
dagmaraka wrote:68, let's see. prague spring, then invasion of the 'friendly' armies of the warsaw pact, parents sacked from the party and from their jobs. not a grand year. i wasn't even in the plans yet.
What interesting stock you come from, dag!

That must have been an extremely harrowing time for your parents. I remember Prague Spring. Recall weeping, watching the news, as the Soviet tanks moved in. Heartbreaking.:
I don't remember the sport, but I recall a moment during the summer Olympics when a Russian girl and a Czech girl were on the podium together. The Czech turned away from the Russian symbolizing her country's reaction to the invasion.
How about the black power salute? Wasn't that in Mexico in'68?
Was that uncalled for or fitting?
Certainly was Panz - and the white guy on the podium with them was an Aussie!
1968 was one of the most horrible years of the 20th century for the world at large. The year of Prague Spring, of the Tet offensive in 'Nam, of the assassinations -- MLKJr., RFK. Personally, I was doing okay except that I was getting drunk all the time. I turned 30 that December.
But, then, looking back on what I've just written, just about all the years of the 20th Century were pretty horrible, if one is looking for horror.
This timeline of 1968 has some stuff I had forgeotten or just plain didn't know. In January, for instance, USA loses 10,000th plane in Vietnam.
Great link, Edgar! Gad! That brought back memories.
1968? I have vague almost psychedelic memories of that year (well of the summer at least) I was living in a trailer in a parking lot or was it a parking lot in a trailer? Nope, it was a 3 room railroad apartment on Thompson Street up 5 flights of creaking stairs. Back then I was a freaky young man and supported the Democrats and their causes, I wore my hair long (back then I still had hair). My dog was named Suzie and I had my sights set on getting out to California. Instead I moved back to New York and hung out in the Village sharing life and the little pleasures of life with nobody in particular other than the stream of crazy folk wandering through my home and dancing on my trampoline. A year later I had arrived in Connecticut and believed I was Walter Cronkite...(it was a strange time). I said almost psychedelic memories, because drugs terrified the hell out of me so I got that weird secondary high from other peoples smoke and the fantastic good but weird feel that Joplin gave me with her music.
Actually I do have some lucid recollections of 1968...that was the year we lost Charles, Albert and Harry in 1 week. Not an all bad year mind you, I got a great deal accomplished and made my decision to return to the sanity of Vermont for the rest of my earthly stay, I met a few people who are still part of my life all these many years later.
1968 was the year that Jimmy told me he was leaving his wife and kids...he did, no idea what happened to him. It was also a year, which combined with 1969 and 1970 (Kent State in particular) set me into a withdrawn distruster of the world in general while still interacting with it.
There were a lot of nice things that year as well, but it was a tough transitional year....what I was just getting to know that year would change it all forever...it's a subject for another place and time...
Why 1968 anyway? Why not 1959?
the Abarth/Fiat I was driing in '68:(my was British Racing Green);
I was driving a second-hand Dodge Dart in '68 and living in a third-floor walkup in Boston's North End. But I drank in some of the finest cafes and cocktail lounges in town.
sturgis, I am quite surprised to hear that you were around in '68.
I had you pegged as a much younger fellow. Late teens, early twenties, somewhere in that range.
Learn something new every day.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:sturgis, I am quite surprised to hear that you were around in '68.
I had you pegged as a much younger fellow. Late teens, early twenties, somewhere in that range.
Learn something new every day.
I did too. Sort of another Baldimo.
Why 1968?
Because it was a hell of a lot more interesting than '59