What would you do with $250 million?

Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 01:22 pm
It's not enough. Make it $500 million and we'll talk.
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 01:33 pm
Re: A2K gathering - That's funny cause last week in the shower I thought about how cool it would be to open a resort just for A2Ker's. Everyone could come and go as they please / whatever fits their vacation time. Whoever happens to be there would get to meet.

Yes, I do all my best thinking in the shower. Doesn't everyone?
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 02:19 pm
First, I'd get out of debt.

I'd take 1 million and build us a fabulous house. Then I'd take another million or so to furnish it.

Then I'd put 5 million in the bank for my parents and 5 million in the band for my hubbys parents so that retirement would be sweet.

Grandmas and grandpas would each get a million to do what they wanted with it.

My brothers education would be paid off.

My MIL would get that vintage Mustang she had when she was young.

My dad would get his Caddy.

I would get myself an XJR and hubby a Mustang.

I'd put 10 mil in the bank to accrue intrest so that we'd never have to work again.

I'd go on a shopping spree for myself with a few million and buy a whole new waredrobe (with all matching shoes!).

We'd take 1 million and open the restaurant that my hubby dreams about owning some day.

I would take 1 million and open the coffee house I've always wanted to own.

I'd donate some to charity, along with my old cars and stuff.

The rest we'd spend like wild people on whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 02:20 pm
i'd live happily ever after

or die trying Smile
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 02:21 pm
I would buy naked pictures of Bella, Eva and She Wolf. Squinney, got a shoebox full already.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 02:24 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I would buy naked pictures of Bella, Eva and She Wolf. Squinney, got a shoebox full already.

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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 03:50 pm
At my next birthday party, I'd have TWO cakes!
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 04:38 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I would buy naked pictures of Bella, Eva and She Wolf. Squinney, got a shoebox full already.

aww.. shucks.,. Embarrassed

Ill give you a discount now..
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 05:09 pm
...that would give me $500 million dollars once converted to NZD...
phewwww...$5 mil to each of my parents and brothers and best friend
donations to SPCA...(animal refuge), stroke foundation...
holidays for children with cancer and their family's....

then I would have to think of what to do with the rest while on my first class trip around the world...then a year down the track, whats the bet I will be bored senseless and go back to work....
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 05:13 pm
I would continue farming until all the money was gone.
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2005 09:42 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I would buy naked pictures of Bella, Eva and She Wolf. Squinney, got a shoebox full already.

All three of us? You're only getting $250 million, Bear. Cool
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 02:15 am
I would buy houses in Albuquerque for my daughter and son, and then one for shewolf and her family so they could join the A2K clan in ABQ.
After paying off all debt, I would invest the rest so my children and I could live on the income.

My son could have his two knee replacement surgeries. My daughter could get the health care she needs.

I would fly to California to visit all my friends I left behind when I moved to Albuquerque.

I would have a professional photograph taken of my two dogs, Maddy and Dolly.

I would make donations to the causes I support.

I would get the Bear's teeth capped so he can quit his bitching.

I would establish an educational grant in Cavfancier's name to provide chef training for students.

I would buy a key safe for Dyslexia and Diane in which to put all of their keys so they can find them when needed.

Finally, I would hire a weekly housekeeper so I wouldn't have any more dust bunnies.

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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 07:36 am
I'd buy a double wide trailer, and use the rest to upgrade the carpet padding.
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 07:56 am
For realsies though......

Taking into account any monies given to charities, good works, monetary gifts to friends, all that good stuff, here's some of what I'd do for me, off the top of my head.

Ensure the best health care for my husband and myself, investigating more into stem cells.

Build or buy beautiful homes in Austin, somewhere in Italy, small place in Manhatten for a couple weekends a month, maybe another small place in England, so I can fly back and forth between Milan and London.

Have fine furnishing for all homes - classical beauty.

Get a Porsche 911 for use while in Texas.

Visit as many museums as I can

Eat the finest, freshest, healthiest food in the world.

Have a classic fine wardrobe so I won't have to shop for clothes for a long time.

Learn Italian

Take personal dance lessons.

well, that's a good start....
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 07:59 am
when i win tonight, i will let you know what i plan to do Smile

i have this huge long drawn out plan taking ...like it will ever get executed, but i should have a plan right?

definitely capp bear's teeth though...and i am into helping animals so that would definitely be something i would explore further.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 08:08 am
Eva wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I would buy naked pictures of Bella, Eva and She Wolf. Squinney, got a shoebox full already.

All three of us? You're only getting $250 million, Bear. Cool[/quote

She wolf is only charging me fiddy cents... I figured I could count on you for a similar good buddy discount Razz
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 08:09 am
dragon49 wrote:
when i win tonight, i will let you know what i plan to do Smile

i have this huge long drawn out plan taking ...like it will ever get executed, but i should have a plan right?

definitely capp bear's teeth though...and i am into helping animals so that would definitely be something i would explore further.

why thank you, and to show my appreciation I will be happy to prepare you a delightful gourmet meal of baby seal filets.....
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 08:12 am
squinney wrote:
Yes, I do all my best thinking in the shower. Doesn't everyone?

You, too? I didn't know that thinking in the shower was a universal thing! I figured most people sang, or something. Laughing
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 09:11 am
Two chicks, man.
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2005 10:35 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
She wolf is only charging me fiddy cents... I figured I could count on you for a similar good buddy discount Razz

There are probably thousands of copies of Shewolf's nakie pictures out there, Bear. There's only one of me. Supply and demand, dontcha know.
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